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Snowflake VM Object: Accounts

► Accounts




CLIENT_NO NUMBER CLIENT_NO uniquely identifying each unique client
IS_DELETED BOOLEAN Denotes a True/False as to if the referenced data has been deleted via soft delete
REF_PK TEXT REF_PK The PK of the ref_type concatenated with a pipe as needed within the JSON
ACCOUNT_NO NUMBER The account number related to the customer referenced
USERID TEXT The userid for login related to the customer referenced
CLIENT_ACCOUNT_ID TEXT The clients unique identified for account related to the customer referenced
BALANCE NUMBER The clients balance owed on their account for the customer referenced
STATUS_NO NUMBER The clients status was updated at the timestamp for the customer referenced
STATUS_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ The clients status was updated at the timestamp for the customer referenced
PARENT_ACCOUNT_NO NUMBER the parent_account_no for the referenced record
PARENT_USERID TEXT the parent_userid for the referenced record
PARENT_CLIENT_ACCOUNT_ID TEXT the parent_client_account_id for the referenced record
CREATED_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ The original source system created timestamp for the referenced data
UPDATED_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ The original source system updated timestamp for the referenced data
SECRET_QUESTION TEXT the secret_question for the referenced record
SECRET_QUESTION_ANSWER TEXT the secret_question_answer for the referenced record
IS_TEST_ACCOUNT BOOLEAN A True or False indicator showing if the record is a test account
IS_INVOICE_APPROVAL_REQUIRED BOOLEAN A True or False indicator showing if the record requires invoice approval
CURRENCY_CD TEXT The ISO currency code of the referenced data
UPDATED_RECEIPT_ID TEXT the updated_receipt_id for the referenced record
CREATED_RECEIPT_ID TEXT the created_receipt_id for the referenced record
SEQUENCE_FUNCTIONAL_GROUP_NO NUMBER the sequence_functional_group_no for the referenced record
CLIENT_SEQUENCE_FUNCTIONAL_GROUP_ID TEXT the client_sequence_functional_group_id for the referenced record
START_DATE DATE the start_date for the referenced record
ADMIN_CONTACT_NO NUMBER the admin_contact_no for the referenced record
IS_CONSUMER_ACCOUNT BOOLEAN A True or False indicator showing if the record is a consumer account
LOCALE_NO NUMBER the locale_no for the referenced record
LEGAL_ENTITY_NO NUMBER the legal_entity_no for the referenced record
CLIENT_LEGAL_ENTITY_ID TEXT the client_legal_entity_id for the referenced record
IS_ANONYMIZED BOOLEAN A True or False indicator showing if the record is anonymized for PII protection
NOTIFY_METHOD_NO NUMBER the notify_method_no for the referenced record
FUNCTIONAL_ACCOUNT_GROUPS VARIANT An embedded one to many JSON subrecord related to functional account groups
COLLECTION_ACCOUNT_GROUPS VARIANT An embedded one to many JSON subrecord related to collection account groups
ACCOUNT_FIELDS VARIANT An embedded one to many JSON subrecord related to account fields
TAX_EXEMPTION_LEVEL_NO NUMBER the tax_exemption_level_no for the referenced record
NOTIFICATION_OVERRIDES VARIANT An embedded one to many JSON subrecord related to notification overrides
NOTIFICATION_TEMPLATE_GROUP_NO NUMBER the notification_template_group_no for the referenced record
CLIENT_NOTIFICATION_TEMPLATE_GROUP_ID TEXT the client_notification_template_group_id for the referenced record
SURCHARGES VARIANT An embedded one to many JSON subrecord related to surcharges
REVREC_PROFILE_NUMBER NUMBER the revrec_profile_number for the referenced record
PURCHASE_ORDER_NUMBER TEXT The aria facing unique identifier for a purchase order
CC_EMAIL_ADDRESSES VARIANT An embedded one to many JSON subrecord related to cc email addresses
BCC_EMAIL_ADDRESSES VARIANT An embedded one to many JSON subrecord related to bcc email addresses
CREATED_BATCH_ID NUMBER The aria facing creation batch id assigned upon landing for the referenced data
CREATED_BATCH_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ The aria facing batch timstamp assigned upon landing for the referenced data, showing its creation in snowflake
UPDATED_BATCH_ID NUMBER The aria facing update batch id assigned upon landing for the referenced data
UPDATED_BATCH_TSTAMP TIMESTAMP_NTZ The aria facing batch timstamp assigned upon landing for the referenced data, showing its update in snowflake

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