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update_acct_plan_status_m Guide

Sets the status of a master or supplemental plan for a given account and optionally indicates the number of days or date in the future on which the status change should go into effect. This call can also reset the billing dates on the status change date for master plans changing from a non-billable to a billable status.

API Specification: update_acct_plan_status_m
Required Fields:
  • <client_no>
  • <auth_key>
  • <acct_no> or <client_acct_id>
  • <plan_instance_no> or <client_plan_instance_id>

Error Codes

Error Code/Description Associated Inputs

1001: unexpected error


1004: authentication error

Associated Inputs: auth_key, client_id, client_no

<client_no>, <auth_key>

1009: account does not exist, Account not found: AriaNo (acct_no), Account not found: Userid (userid), or Account not found: ClientId (client_acct_id)

Associated Inputs: acct_no, account_no, client_acct_id, user_id, userid, parent_acct_no

<acct_no>, <client_acct_id>

14077: Account status not support Plan provisioning.

Associated Inputs: status_cd

Additional Comment: The current status of the account does not allow provisioning.


25020: Illegal characters entered

Associated Inputs: All character field inputs like firstname lastname, dunning_group_name, comments, etc.

<auth_key>, <client_plan_instance_id>, <degrade_date>, <queue_date>, <comments>, <client_receipt_id>, <client_acct_id>, <application_id>, <application_date>, <alt_caller_id>, <attach_qualifier_option>, <qualifier_name>, <qualifier_value>

1010: missing required parameters, Missing input: (object-name) is required with assignment_directive ($AriaNo)

Associated Inputs: all required inputs, typically one of the following: custom_rate_per_unit, custom_rate_seq_no, status_cd, dunning_state, userid, acct_no, client_acct_id, assignment_directive, billing_group_no, client_billing_group_id, threshold_billing_rule_no, client_threshold_billing_rule_id

Alternate Message Output

1010: username is required
1010: first name is required
1010: last name is required
1010: email is required
1010: roles are required

Associated APIs: create_user_m, get_user_details_m, delete_user_m, update_user_m

Associated Inputs: username, first_name, last_name, email, role_no

<client_no>, <auth_key>, <acct_no> or <client_acct_id>, <plan_instance_no> or <client_plan_instance_id>

14046: If you passed in an invalid plan_instance_no, this message will appear: "Invalid Plan instance number". If you passed in an invalid master_plan_instance_id, this message will appear: "Invalid master_plan_instance_id".

Associated Inputs: plan_instance_no, master_plan_instance_id, filter_plan_instance_no, percent_eval_plan_instance_no, client_plan_instance_id

Additional Comments: The plan_instance_no or master_plan_instance_id must belong to the account, or it is invalid. The percent_eval_plan_instance_no must belong to the account and also to the MPI given in input.

<plan_instance_no>, <client_plan_instance_id>

14047: If you passed in an invalid client_plan_instance_id, this message will appear: "Invalid client Plan instance identifier". If you passed in an invalid client_master_plan_instance_id , this message will appear: "Invalid client_master_plan_instance_id".

Associated Inputs: client_plan_instance_id, client_master_plan_instance_id, client_percent_eval_plan_instance_id


14051: Invalid Plan status for the new Plan

Associated Inputs: plan_instance_status, status_cd


14132: Custom rates cannot be assigned for this non-provisioned status.


1024: invalid date format

Associated Inputs: bill_birthdate, birthdate, degrade_date, initial_credit_date, invoice_line_reversing_date, service_fulfillment_date, queue_date, start_bill_date, end_bill_date, start_date, end_date, stmt_birthdate, bill_birthdate

Additional Comments: All date inputs must be in yyyy-mm-dd format.

<degrade_date>, <queue_date>, <application_date>

7034: invalid dunning state

Associated Inputs: dunning_state


24009: Invalid Queue Date

Associated Input:  queue_date

Additional Comments: Queue date must be in the future.


24010: Invalid Queue Days

Associated Input:  queue_days

Additional Comments: Queue days must not be negative


26030: The dunning state of the Master Plan Instance cannot be updated to In Progress because no applicable dunning process was found. Please review the dunning processes defined for the appropriate dunning group, Plan, payment method, and/or the client-default to ensure a dunning process exists for this scenario.

Associated Inputs: dunning_state


26046: Invalid dunning step. The dunning step does not exist in the dunning process configuration.


Additional Guidance

Input Fields
Field Name: Notes:

If you are updating a Master Plan Instance, you must enter a value either in this field or in the <dunning_state> field.

If you are updating a Supplemental Plan, this field is required.

If you previously queued (scheduled) custom rates to be applied to the Master Plan Instance and you do not set the status code to "active" (1), then the custom rates will not be applied when you call this API. However, the scheduled custom rates will remain queued on the Master Plan Instance and they will be applied when the account is switched to the provisioned (active) status in the future.

Allowable Values
Values Description

If you set this field to "1" (in progress), then you can specify one or more of the following dunning options available in these fields:

  • <degrade_date>;
  • <new_dunning_step>;
  • <config_dunning_late_fee_option>; and/or
  • <config_dunning_email_option>.

When you change the <dunning_state> to "0" (none), you should also pass in your chosen <status_cd> for the Master Plan Instance.

Example: you may want to change the Master Plan Instance's status from -1 (suspended) to 1 (active).

If you set this field to 1 (in progress) but the Master Plan Instance does not have a balance due, then Aria will move the Master Plan Instance out of dunning on the date on which the next dunning step begins.This applies to Master Plan Instances associated with either payment type: net terms or electronic.

In addition to self-pay Master Plan Instances, dunning input arguments can now also now be used for parent-pay Master Plan Instances. Also note that when self-pay Master Plan Instance manually enters dunning via this API, all of their parent-pay Master Plan Instances will enter dunning. This is only applicable when entering the dunning. During this special process of entering parent-pay Master Plan Instance, the “config_dunning_late_fee_option and config_dunning_email_option” will only be applicable for self-pay Master Plan Instances and NOT to the parent-pay Master Plan Instance.

Allowable Values
Values Description
0 None
1 In Progress

Applicable only for Master Plans, and only if the <dunning_state> is set to "1".

For more information about available dunning options, please see the <dunning state> field.

If you set this field to "1", Aria will immediately charge the customer the late fee.


Applicable only for Master Plans, and only if the <dunning_state> is set to "1".

For more information about available dunning options, please see the <dunning state> field.

If you set this field to "1", Aria will immediately email the notification to the customer.

Allowable Values
Values Description
NULL Reset the billing dates when the status changes from non-billable to billable depending on client parameter 'AUTO_RESET_MASTER_PLAN_BILLING_DATES_ON_NON_BILLABLE_TO_BILLABLE_MASTER_PLAN_STATUS_CHANGE' setting.
0 Do not reset the billing dates for this Plan.
1 Reset the billing anniversary date to coincide with the status change date.
2 Reset the billing anniversary date to coincide with the current anniversary date.
Allowable Values
Values Description
1 Use dunning process configuration settings (default).
0 Do not use dunning process configuration/do not charge late fee.
Allowable Values
Values Description
1 Use dunning process configuration settings (default).
0 Do not use dunning process configuration/do not send email notification.
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