1004: authentication error
Associated Inputs: auth_key, client_id, client_no
<client_no>, <auth_key> |
27011: The API is not supported because your client parameter Enable Plan Unit Instances is set to False. Please contact Aria Customer Support with questions about the Enable Plan Unit Instances client parameter.
Associated Input: client_no
<client_no> |
1009: account does not exist, Account not found: AriaNo (acct_no), Account not found: Userid (userid), or Account not found: ClientId (client_acct_id)
Associated Inputs: acct_no, account_no, client_acct_id, user_id, userid, parent_acct_no
<acct_no>, <client_acct_id> |
27003: invalid Plan unit instance
Associated Inputs: plan_unit_inst_no
<plan_unit_inst_no> |
27004: invalid Plan unit instance id
Associated Inputs: client_plan_unit_inst_id, new client_plan_unit_inst_id
<client_plan_unit_inst_id>, <new_client_plan_unit_inst_id> |
27012: Inactive Plan unit instance
Associated Input: plan_unit_inst_no
<plan_unit_inst_no> |
27013: Inactive Plan unit instance id
Associated Input: client_plan_unit_inst_id
<client_plan_unit_inst_id> |
27004: invalid Plan unit instance id
Associated Inputs: client_plan_unit_inst_id, new client_plan_unit_inst_id
<client_plan_unit_inst_id>, <new_client_plan_unit_inst_id> |
1033: a parameter that represents a true or false value contains invalid input
Associated Inputs: alt_collect_on_approve, alt_send_statement_on_approve, cancel_orders_on_discard, cascade_action, do_auto_discard, do_collect, change_status_after_coll, reset_dates_after_status, disable_existing_on_update, do_write, exclude_terminated_plan_inst, include_all_rate_schedules, include_plan_hierarchy, retrieve_bundled_nso, retrieve_included_nso, include_translations, include_inactive_items, include_invoice_activity_eligibility, include_rs_summary, include_translations, include_service_supp_fields/include_product_fields/, include_plan_instance_fields/include_plan_services/, include_surcharges, include_void_transactions, include_voided, invoice_unbilled_usage, is_unlinked_refund, record_cc_on_auth_failure, retrieve_excluded_usage, send_email, usage_pooling, do_write
<do_write> |
27017: Eligible service no/service id is required when Eligible fulfillment date/fulfillment directive is specified.
Associated Inputs: service_fulfillment_date, fulfillment_directive, client_service_id, service_no
Additional Comments: Service_fulfillment_date and fulfillment_directive were entered and the client_service_id or service_no was not entered.
<service_no>, <client_service_id>, <service_fulfillment_date>, <fulfillment_directive> |
14036: Invalid client service id
Associated Inputs: client_service_id, client_plan_instance_service_id, client_percent_eval_service_id, custom_rate_client_service_id
<client_service_id> |
1049: Billing or Plan changes not allowed due to the account status, Cannot add assignment for account with status code -99, Cannot add assignment for account with status code 0
Associated Inputs: N/A
Additional Comments: This message indicates a processing problem.
14077: Account status not support Plan provisioning.
Associated Inputs: status_cd
Additional Comment: The current status of the account does not allow provisioning.
14078: Master Plan Instance status not support Plan provisioning.
Associated Inputs: status_cd
Additional Comments: The current status of the Master Plan does not allow provisioning.
14079: Supplemental Plan instance status not support Plan provisioning.
Associated Inputs: supp_plan.status_cd
5056: Invalid Plan unit instance directive
Associated Input: plan_unit_inst_directive
<fulfillment_directive> |
5052: Product field is not mapped to the Plan you have specified. Alt: Invalid product field
Associated Inputs: plan_instance_fields_info.field_name, field_name
Additional Comments: The field is not mapped to the Plan.
<field_name> |
5059: Invalid Product Field Value.
Associated Inputs: field_value
Additional Comments: The value must be from the configured allowed values.
<field_value> |
5064: product field is required and cannot be removed
Associated Input: field_name
<field_name> |
5061: Number of Product Field value exceeds maximum number of allowed values.
Associated Inputs: field_value
Additional Comments: The value must meet the configured maximum values.
<field_value> |
5062: Number of Product Field values does not meet required minimum number of values.
Associated Inputs: field_value
Additional Comments: The value must meet the configured minimum values.
<field_value> |
27005: The service provided is not a fulfillment based service.
Associated Inputs: service_no
Additional Comments: The entered service_no must be a a fulfillment based service.
<service_no> |
27002: The fulfilment service provided is already invoiced.
Associated Inputs: service_no, client_service_id
<service_no>, <client_service_id> |
1024: invalid date format
Associated Inputs: bill_birthdate, birthdate, degrade_date, initial_credit_date, invoice_line_reversing_date, service_fulfillment_date, queue_date, start_bill_date, end_bill_date, start_date, end_date, stmt_birthdate, bill_birthdate
Additional Comments: All date inputs must be in yyyy-mm-dd format.
<service_fulfillment_date>, <application_date> |
27001: Invalid fulfilment directive
Associated Inputs: fulfillment_directive
<fulfillment_directive> |
27006:The fulfillment date should not be provided in the future for the immediate fulfilment directive
Associated Inputs: service_fulfillment_date
<service_fulfillment_date> |
27007: The fulfillment date should not be provided before account creation date
Associated Inputs: fulfillment_directive, service_fulfillment_date, acct.created
Additional Comments: The fulfillment_directive is immediate and service_fulfillment_date is before the acct.created date.
<service_fulfillment_date>, <fulfillment_directive> |
27008: The fulfilment date should not be provided beyond billing period. The fulfillment date must not be outside the current billing
Associated Inputs: service_fulfillment_date
<service_fulfillment_date> |
27010: The fulfilment date should be provided when fulfilment directive provided as futureThe fulfillment date cannot be blank when the fulfillment directive indicates a future fulfillment date
Associated Inputs: .service_fulfillment_date, fulfilment_directive
<service_fulfillment_date>, <fulfillment_directive> |
27009: The fulfilment date should not be provided in past when fulfilment directive provided as future
Associated Inputs: service_fulfillment_date, fulfilment_directive
<service_fulfillment_date>, <fulfillment_directive> |
4027: Changes for this Plan were not saved because the collection attempt associated with this change was unsuccessful.
Associated Inputs: do_collect