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update acct plan multi m Error Messages

Error Code/Description Associated Inputs

1001: unexpected error


1004: authentication error

Associated Inputs: auth_key, client_id, client_no

<auth_key>, <client_no>

1010: missing required parameters, Missing input: (object-name) is required with assignment_directive ($AriaNo)

Associated Inputs: all required inputs, typically one of the following: custom_rate_per_unit, custom_rate_seq_no, status_cd, dunning_state, userid, acct_no, client_acct_id, assignment_directive, billing_group_no, client_billing_group_id, threshold_billing_rule_no, client_threshold_billing_rule_id

Alternate Message Output

1010: username is required
1010: first name is required
1010: last name is required
1010: email is required
1010: roles are required

Associated APIs: create_user_m, get_user_details_m, delete_user_m, update_user_m

Associated Inputs: username, first_name, last_name, email, role_no

<client_no>, <auth_key>, <acct_no> or <client_acct_id>, <plan_updates>, <plan_directive>

1016: invalid input

Additional Comments:  This error can be caused by the wrong type of input; for example, text in a numbers-only field, or specifying a value other than one of the documented allowable values.

<client_no>, <acct_no>, <plan_directive>, <existing_plan_instance_no>, <plan_instance_idx>, <new_plan_no>, <plan_units>, <plan_unit_inst_idx>, <service_no>, <fulfillment_directive plan_unit_inst_no>, <service_no>, <plan_unit_inst_no>, <plan_unit_inst_no>, <plan_unit_inst_idx>, <plan_unit_inst_field_val_directive alt_rate_schedule_no>, <proration_invoice_timing>, <custom_rate_service_no>, <custom_rate_seq_no>, <custom_rate_from_unit>, <custom_rate_to_unit>, <custom_rate_per_unit coupon_directive surcharge_no>, <rate_schedule_no>, <surcharge_directive balance_forward>, <parent_plan_instance_no>, <parent_plan_instance_idx>, <plan_status_cd>, <status_until_alt_start_cd>, <dunning_state>, <billing_group_no>, <billing_group_idx>, <resp_level_cd>, <dunning_group_no>, <dunning_group_idx>, <plan_instance_field_directive offset_months>, <auto_offset_months_option>, <alt_collect_group_no>, <offset_interval>, <force_master_bill_date_reset>, <usage_accumulation_reset_months_renewal_option>, <nso_bill_immediately>, <item_no>, <item_units>, <item_svc_location_no>, <item_dest_contact_idx>, <item_dest_contact_no service_no>, <svc_location_no>, <dest_contact_no>, <dest_contact_idx plan_instance_supp_field_update_only>, <force_bill_date_reset>, <bill_lag_days>, <new_dunning_step>, <config_dunning_late_fee_option>, <config_dunning_email_option>, <resp_master_plan_instance_no>, <assignment_directive>, <override_dates_mp_instance_no>, <alt_bill_day>, <invoicing_option>, <billing_group_directive>, <existing_billing_group_no>, <billing_group_idx>, <notify_method>, <notify_template_group>, <statement_template>, <credit_note_template>, <primary_payment_method_no>, <primary_payment_method_idx>, <backup_payment_method_no>, <backup_payment_method_idx>, <bg_list_start_master_file>, <stmt_contact_idx>, <stmt_contact_no>, <payment_terms_no>, <credit_memo_template>, <rebill_template>, <collections_group_bg_no>, <collections_grp_directive payment_method_idx>, <payment_method_type>, <cc_num": "string">, <cc_expire_mm>, <cc_expire_yyyy>, <bank_check_digit>, <dunning_group_directive>, <existing_dunning_group_no>, <dunning_group_idx>, <dunning_process_no>, <auto_collect_on_plan_chng>, <rollback_plan_chng_collect_fail>, <auto_send_stmt_on_plan_chng>, <list_start_master_file>, <contact_idx>, <combine_invoices>, <recurring_processing_model_ind>

1024: invalid date format

Associated Inputs: bill_birthdate, birthdate, degrade_date, initial_credit_date, invoice_line_reversing_date, service_fulfillment_date, queue_date, start_bill_date, end_bill_date, start_date, end_date, stmt_birthdate, bill_birthdate

Additional Comments: All date inputs must be in yyyy-mm-dd format.

<service_fulfillment_date>, <alt_proration_end_date>, <service_fulfillment_date>, <degrade_date>, <effective_date>, <alt_proration_start_date>, <nso_fulfillment_date>, <alt_start_date>, <retroactive_start_date>, <override_bill_thru_date>, <stmt_birthdate>, <bill_birthdate>, <birthdate>, <application_date>

1031: can not pass in an alternate starting date AND alternate billing day

Associated Inputs: alt_bill_day, alt_start_date

<alt_start_date>, <alt_bill_day>

1033:  a parameter that represents a true or false value contains invalid input

Associated Inputs: alt_collect_on_approve, alt_send_statement_on_approve, cancel_orders_on_discard, cascade_action, do_auto_discard, do_collect, change_status_after_coll, reset_dates_after_status, disable_existing_on_update, do_write, exclude_terminated_plan_inst, include_all_rate_schedules, include_plan_hierarchy, retrieve_bundled_nso, retrieve_included_nso, include_translations, include_inactive_items, include_invoice_activity_eligibility, include_rs_summary, include_translations, include_service_supp_fields/include_product_fields/, include_plan_instance_fields/include_plan_services/, include_surcharges, include_void_transactions, include_voided, invoice_unbilled_usage, is_unlinked_refund, record_cc_on_auth_failure, retrieve_excluded_usage, send_email, usage_pooling, do_write

<auto_assign_mandatory_supp_plans>, <<invoice_unbilled_usage>, <usage_pooling>, <do_write>, <remove_pi_custom_rates>, <include_plan_instance_queue>, <force_currency_change>

1034: there is no data to be modified


1035: invalid assignment directive, Invalid Assignment Directive: (assignment_directive)

Associated Inputs: master_plan_assign_directive, assignment_directive


1049: Billing or Plan changes not allowed due to the account status, Cannot add assignment for account with status code -99, Cannot add assignment for account with status code 0

Associated Inputs: N/A

Additional Comments: This message indicates a processing problem.


1053: invalid notification template group id

Associated Inputs:billing_group.notify_template_group


1064: Invalid surcharge directive

Associated Inputs: surcharge_directive


1068: Combine invoices must be either 1-Long Cycle or 2-Short Cycle or 3-Consider Client Param.

Associated Inputs: combine_invoices


1069: Long cycle (Combine invoice) is not available, since Plan instance has Plan rollover or contract rollover or future Plan changes in the middle of the cycle or while generating a pending invoice.


1101: Credit-only proration is not valid in this case because there is a mandatory child Supplemental Plan that will be assigned and result in charges on the account.

Associated Inputs: master_plan_assign_directive


1108: Invalid billing group, collection group directive.


1500: Unsupported bank/country code for this payment method.

Associated Inputs: proc_status_code, proc_status_code, bank_country_cd

Additional Comments: Added in support of ACH payments via Direct Debit (country code must be US).


3003: could not create invoice

Additional Comments: Could not create a preview invoice due to account status, plan status, or other processing error. Please contact Aria Customer Support.


3017: pro-ration period cannot be greater than Plan billing interval


3018: invalid automatic offset months option


3109: Invalid Client SKU.

Associated Inputs: client_item_id, inventory_items


4006: invalid pay method or alternate pay method

Associated Inputs: alt_pay_method, pay_method_type, pay_method_type


4008: invalid expiration date

Associated Inputs: alt_pay_method, cc_expire_mm, cc_expire_yyyy, credit_expiry_date, pay_method_type

Additional Comments: Dates must be in yyyy-mm-dd format. For update_payment_method_token_m, the date must be a future date.

<cc_expire_mm>, <cc_expire_yyyy>

4009: invalid cc number

Associated Inputs: cc_number, alt_pay_method, cc_num, pay_method_type


4010: invalid bank draft info

Associated Inputs: bank_acct_no, bank_routing_no, alt_pay_method

Additional Comments:

  1. The client parameter BANK_DRAFT_INDICATOR must be enabled.
  2. Bank_acct_no and bank_routing_no are required.
  3. Valid bank_routing_no from Aria's ABA lookup in case of US address.
  4. Bank_routing_no must be numeric.
  5. For US, bank_routing_no should be 9 digits in length (left padded with zeros).
  6. Bank_routing_no must pass checksum validation.
<bank_acct_num>, <bank_routing_num>

4017: duplicate payment method client defined id.

Associated Inputs: client_payment_method_id, new_client_payment_method_id

Additional Comments: This value must be unique at the client level.


4019: Invalid Bank Account Type.

Associated Inputs: alt_pay_method, bank_acct_type


4024: Invalid auto collection on Plan change input

Associated Inputs: auto_collect_on_plan_chng


4025: Invalid rollback_plan_chng_collect_fail input

Associated Inputs: rollback_plan_chng_collect_fail


4026: Invalid auto_send_stmt_on_plan_chng input

Associated Inputs: auto_send_stmt_on_plan_chng


4027: Changes for this Plan were not saved because the collection attempt associated with this change was unsuccessful.

Associated Inputs: do_collect


4032: cc_id is required.

Associated Inputs: cc_id, pay_method_type

Additional Comments: cc_id is required for this payment processor.


4044: Missing a required value. Please check that either bank_account_no, bank_routing_number or agreement_id is present.


5003: invalid notify method

Associated Inputs: notify_method_no


5004: invalid responsibility level cd

Associated Inputs: resp_level_cd

Additional Comments: Resp_level_cd=4 is not supported in Aria Billing Cloud.


5020: alternate billing day must be between 1 and 31

Associated Inputs: alt_bill_day


5029: invalid item or sku

Associated Inputs: filter_item_no, filter_client_item_id, client_sku

<client_sku>, <item_no>

5041: Invalid invoicing option provided

Associated Inputs: invoicing_option


5051: The responsible Master Plan Instance number/identifier must be from an ancestor account. Alt: the responsible Master Plan Instance number/identifier is not associated with the senior account number; The responsible Master Plan Instance number/identifier must be from an ancestor account.

Associated Inputs: resp_master_plan_inst_no, parent_acct_master_plan_inst_id

Additional Comments: The responsible mpi_no must be from the senior/parent account.

<resp_master_plan_instance_no>, <resp_client_master_plan_instance_id>

5052: Product field is not mapped to the Plan you have specified. Alt: Invalid product field

Associated Inputs: plan_instance_fields_info.field_name, field_name

Additional Comments: The field is not mapped to the Plan.


5053: Missing values for required Plan instance field

Associated Inputs:   plan_instance_field_value

Additional Comments: This field is required, but did not have a value.


5059: Invalid Product Field Value.

Associated Inputs: field_value

Additional Comments: The value must be from the configured allowed values.


5060: Invalid Product Field Directive.

Associated Inputs: plan_instance_field_directive


5061: Number of Product Field value exceeds maximum number of allowed values.

Associated Inputs: field_value

Additional Comments: The value must meet the configured maximum values.


5062: Number of Product Field values does not meet required minimum number of values.

Associated Inputs: field_value

Additional Comments: The value must meet the configured minimum values.


5063: Field cannot be added because it is not a Plan instance field.

Associated Inputs:  plan_instance_field_name


5076: Only child accounts can have parent-pay MPIs.


6021: Invalid state_prov entered

Associated Inputs: bill_state_prov, state_prov, stmt_state_prov, bill_state_prov

<stmt_state_prov>, <bill_state_prov>, <state_prov>

6027: IBAN is alphanumeric and is 15 to 34 characters in length

Associated Inputs:  iban, alt_pay_method_iban


6029: Bank swift code is alphanumeric and is 8 or 11 characters in length

Associated Inputs: bank_swift_cd, alt_pay_method


6031: BBAN is numeric and up to 16 digits

Associated Inputs: alt_payment_method, bank_acct_no


6032: Bank ID code is numeric and up to 10 digits


6033: Bank branch code is numeric and up to 10 digits

Associated Inputs: bank_branch_cd


6034: Basic bank account number or IBAN is required for Direct Debit

Associated Inputs: iban, bank_acct_no

<iban>, <bank_acct_num>

6045: Account can have only one active NETS payment method.

Associated Inputs: payment_method_type


7027: Master Plan Instance cannot be created without billing group

Associated Inputs: billing_group_idx/cdid

Additional Comments: Billing_group is mandatory when master_plan_instance.resp_level_cd = 1.


7028: duplicate billing group client defined id.

Associated Inputs: client_billing_group_id, new_client_billing_group_id

Additional Comments: This value must be unique at the client level.

<client_billing_group_id>, <existing_client_billing_group_id>, <new_client_billing_group_id>

7029: The new_client_dunning_group_id field contains the ID of an existing dunning group.

Associated Inputs: client_dunning_group_id

Additional Comments: This value must be unique at the client level.


7030: The new Master Plan Instance must be associated with a dunning group. You must enter a dunning group when associating a Master Plan Instance.

Associated Inputs: dunning_group_idx/cdid

Additional Comments: Dunning_group is mandatory when master_plan_instance.resp_level_cd = 1.


7031: Invalid dunning_process_no

Associated Inputs: dunning_process_no


7033: Invalid client defined dunning process id

Associated Inputs: client_dunning_group_id


7035: The Plan selected for update is a Master Plan. The force_master_bill_date_reset input can only be used in conjunction with Supplemental Plans. Please clear the value of force_master_bill_date_reset or input a Supplemental Plan.

Associated Inputs: force_master_bill_date_reset


12012: Collection group does not exist


12013: Collection group identifier does not exist


12016: Billing group belongs to collections based group using same payment method


12017: Billing group is not assigned to this group


12018: Billing group already assigned to this group


14004: Invalid_plan_no

Associated Inputs: new_plan_no, rollover_plan_no


14005: invalid Plan service combination

Associated Inputs: custom_rate_service_no, custom_rate_service_id

Additional Comments: The given Plan number and service number combination for master and Supplemental Plans is not valid.

<service_no>, <client_service_id>

14006: invalid rate schedule no

Associated Inputs: acct_rate_schedule_no, mpi_rate_schedule_no, master_plans_detail, alt_rate_schedule_no, supp_plan.alt_rate_schedule_no

<alt_rate_schedule_no>, <rate_schedule_no>

14008: account has Supplemental Plans that are not eligible under this Master Plan

Additional Comments: The Supplemental Plan is not linked to the Master Plan.


14012: Alternate rate schedule's currency does not match the account's currency.

Associated Inputs: alt_rate_schedule_no, client_alt_rate_schedule_id

Additional Comments: The alt_rate_schedule currency does not match the  account currency.

<alt_rate_schedule_no>, <client_alt_rate_schedule_id>

14013: New Plan does not have a rate schedule with a currency matching the account's currency.

Associated Inputs: alt_rate_schedule_no, acct_currency

Additional Comments: The given rate schedule currency does not match the account's currency.


14016: The Plan is already assigned to the account

Associated Inputs: new_plan_no


14017: invalid alternate proration start date Alt: Date must be in YYYY-MM-DD format

Associated Inputs: alt_proration_start_date

Additional Comments: The alt_proration_start_date must be within the last billed period.


14019: usage_accumulation_reset_months must be from 0 to 99  Alt: invalid usage accumulation reset months value

Associated Inputs: usage_accumulation_reset_months

Additional Comments: The accumulation months is not between 0 and 99.


14022: Supplemental Plan violates Plan exclusion group

Associated Inputs: plan_no

Additional Comments: The Supplemental Plan is not matched with the Master Plan exclusion group.


14023: Offset Interval must be greater than zero

Associated Inputs: offset_interval


14024: Invalid Offset Interval and Assignment Directive combination.

Associated Inputs: offset_interval, assignment_directive

Additional Comments: Offset_interval only applies to the anniverary date.

<offset_interval>, <assignment_directive>

14025: Invalid do_write and assignment directive combination for queuing Plan.

Associated Inputs: assignment_directive, do_write

Additional Comments: Preview cannot be done for queued anniversary date cases.

<assignment_directive>, <do_write>

14026: The Effective Date must be in the future, "YYYY-MM-DD" format, and a valid date.

Associated Inputs: effective_date


14028: Tier Pricing Rule Flat Rate is not valid to configure for the Single Line Upgrade proration


14030: Invalid Assignment Directive provided for Single Line Upgrade proration.

Associated Inputs: assignment_directive


14031: Oracle error while selecting for Single Line Upgrade proration.


14032: The Assignment Directive awarding credit cannot be used with the Single Line Upgrade proration invoice service Plan.


14033: Invalid Promo Code

Associated Inputs: promo_cd


14035: Invalid client Plan id

Associated Inputs: client_plan_id, custom_rate_client_plan_instance_id


14036: Invalid client service id

Associated Inputs: client_service_id, client_plan_instance_service_id, client_percent_eval_service_id, custom_rate_client_service_id

<client_service_id>, <custom_rate_client_service_id>

14039: Invalid client rate schedule id

Associated Inputs: client_alt_rate_schedule_id, rollover_client_rate_sched_id


14042: Promo Code Expired

Associated Inputs: promo-cd


14045: Promo code's start date is in the future

Associated Inputs: promo_cd


14046: If you passed in an invalid plan_instance_no, this message will appear: "Invalid Plan instance number". If you passed in an invalid master_plan_instance_id, this message will appear: "Invalid master_plan_instance_id".

Associated Inputs: plan_instance_no, master_plan_instance_id, filter_plan_instance_no, percent_eval_plan_instance_no, client_plan_instance_id

Additional Comments: The plan_instance_no or master_plan_instance_id must belong to the account, or it is invalid. The percent_eval_plan_instance_no must belong to the account and also to the MPI given in input.

<existing_plan_instance_no>, <existing_client_plan_instance_id>, <parent_plan_instance_no>, <parent_client_plan_instance_id>, <resp_master_plan_instance_no>, <resp_client_master_plan_instance_id>, <override_dates_mp_instance_no>, <override_dates_client_mp_instance_id>

14047: If you passed in an invalid client_plan_instance_id, this message will appear: "Invalid client Plan instance identifier". If you passed in an invalid client_master_plan_instance_id , this message will appear: "Invalid client_master_plan_instance_id".

Associated Inputs: client_plan_instance_id, client_master_plan_instance_id, client_percent_eval_plan_instance_id

<existing_client_plan_instance_id>, <parent_client_plan_instance_id>, <resp_client_master_plan_instance_id>, <override_dates_client_mp_instance_id>

14049: Invalid parent Plan instance no

Associated Inputs: parent_plan_instance_no


14051: Invalid Plan status for the new Plan

Associated Inputs: plan_instance_status, status_cd


14059: The senior Master Plan Instance cannot be responsible for another Plan instance because it is set to Parent Pay

Associated Inputs: resp_master_plan_inst_no and client_resp_master_plan_inst_id, parent_acct_master_plan_instance_no

Additional Comments: The responsible Plan instance is a child pay,

<parent_plan_instance_no>, <parent_client_plan_instance_id>, <resp_master_plan_instance_no>, <resp_client_master_plan_instance_id>

14060: Plan cannot be replaced because the Plan stauts of the existing lan does not allow the Plan to be replaced

Additional Comments: The current status of the MPI does not allow its Plan to be replaced


14063: duplicate Plan instance client defined id.

Associated Inputs:client_plan_instance_id, new_client_plan_inst_id

<existing_client_plan_instance_id>, <new_client_plan_instance_id>

14064: Supplemental Plan of this Plan instance cannot be set as its parent Plan.

Associated Inputs: existing_plan_instance_no


14065:Promo code not allowed for Supplemental Plan

Associated Inputs: promo_cd


14066: Assignment directive cannot be anniversary for Master Plan

Associated Inputs: assignment_directive


14067: Supplemental Plan cannot have resp level code and parent account Master Plan Instance number


14068: invalid parent account Master Plan Instance number

Associated Inputs: parent_acct_mp_inst_no, parent_acct_master_plan_inst_id

<parent_plan_instance_no>, <resp_master_plan_instance_no>

14070: Cannot cancel Plan which is under dunning

Associated Inputs: existing_plan_instance_no


14072: Offset interval not allowed for Master Plan assignment.

Associated Inputs: offset_months


14074: Plan status cannot be updated because the status of the existing Plan does not allow it

Associated Inputs: plan_status_cd


14075: Supplemental Plan not eligible under this Plan instance.

Associated Inputs: new_plan_no


14077: Account status not support Plan provisioning.

Associated Inputs: status_cd

Additional Comment: The current status of the account does not allow provisioning.


14078: Master Plan Instance status not support Plan provisioning.

Associated Inputs: status_cd

Additional Comments: The current status of the Master Plan does not allow provisioning.


14079: Supplemental Plan instance status not support Plan provisioning.

Associated Inputs: supp_plan.status_cd


14081: Plan instance already cancelled

Associated Inputs: existing_plan_instance_no


14084: Invalid rate schedule. Please verify start date and end date of provided rate schedule.

Associated Inputs: alt_rate_schedule_no, alt_rate_schedule_id

<client_alt_rate_schedule_id>, <alt_rate_schedule_no>

14086: Plan Units cannot be below the minimum required units for this child Plan.

Associated Inputs: plan_units


14087: The maximum number of allowable units has been exceeded.


14088: Mandatory child Plans cannot be canceled unless their parent Plan is also canceled.


14094:Invalid Plan Instance Status CD.

Associated Inputs: plan_status_cd


14097: An existing Plan instance cannot be used when assigning a new Plan to an account (plan_directive = 1).

Associated Inputs: existing_plan_instance_no, existing_client_plan_instance_id

<existing_plan_instance_no>, <existing_client_plan_instance_id>

14098: Invalid proration invoice timing

Associated Inputs: mp_proration_invoice_timing, proration_invoice_timing


14099: Duplicate Plan instance provided meaning the same instance cannot be provided for update/replace/cancel in the same API

Associated Inputs: existing_plan_instance_no


14100: Too many Plan operations. Please reduce the number of Plan operations to be under <limit>.


14101: Mandatory child Plans cannot be replaced unless their parent Plan is also modified.


14102: Invalid parent Plan instance id

Associated Inputs: parent_client_plan_instance_id


14103: cannot rollover queued Plan as the original initial Plan in not matching the current Plan

Associated Inputs: new_plan_no


14107: Invalid Service Number.

Associated Input: custom_rate_service_no


14108 Plan cannot be queued because parent Plan instance's status is non-provisioned

Associated Input: assignment_directive


14109 Plan cannot be queued because Master Plan Instance is in dunning or has completed dunning(i.e., dunning state is 'In Progress' or 'Completed')

Associated Input: assignment_directive


14110 The effective date of a queued child Plan assignment must be on or after the effective date of the queued parent Plan assignment

Associated Inputs: effective_date


14111 Plan cannot be queued because parent Plan instance is not in scheduled queue ie. Effective date is not given


14112 Cannot update/replace/cancel any queued Plan instance which is in queued assignment

Associated Inputs: plan_instance_no, client_plan_instance_id

<existing_plan_instance_no>, <existing_client_plan_instance_id>

14113 The Plan provided is not a valid child of the Plan that will be associated with the parent Plan instance on the effective date provided

Associated Inputs: new_plan_no


14124 The effective date of a queued parent Plan assignment must be on or before the effective date of the queued child Plan assignment


14132: Custom rates cannot be assigned for this non-provisioned status.


14133: Self-pay MPI cannot be converted to parent-pay as it is currently in dunning or completed dunning without exiting.

Additional Comments: MPIs that are in dunning or have completed dunning without exiting successfully are not displayed, because they cannot be converted from self-pay to parent-pay while in this state. The MPIs that are in dunning are NNNNN, NNNNN, NNNNN, etc.


14134: Please apply outstanding manually applicable payments before modifying payment responsibility..


14135: The Responsible Master Plan Instance provided is queued for assignment and not allowed to be used for payment responsibility.


14136: Offset months must be greater than or equal to 0.


14137: To permit usage pooling on plans the invoice settings parameter 'Allow MPI Level Usage Pooling' needs enabling.


14301:Force currency changes are only allowed when submitting with a Master Plan Instance with supported actions (replace, update)

Associated Input: force_currency_change


14302: Pending Invoices must be discarded prior to forcing a currency change.

Associated Input: force_currency_change


14303: Surcharges must be discarded or voided prior to forcing a currency change.

Associated Input: force_currency_change


14304: Rated but unbilled usage records must be discarded prior to forcing a currency change.

Associated Input: force_currency_change


14305: Discounts (flat rate) or Coupons in an existing currency must be discarded or voided prior to forcing a currency change.

Associated Input: force_currency_change


14306: Pending Orders in an existing currency must be discarded or voided prior to forcing a currency change.

Associated Input: force_currency_change


14307: Force currency change not allowed with the supplied assignment directive.

Associated Input: force_currency_change


14309: Cannot force currency change if an Order/Surcharge/Coupon input is included.

Associated Input: force_currency_change


14310: Enter a Bill Lag days between +/- Plan's Billing Interval.

Additional Comments: Invalid input: For bill lag days, Enter a number between +billing interval and - billing interval days.


14311: Enter a Bill Lag days less than/equal to Plan's Billing Interval.

Additional Comments: Invalid input: For bill lag days, Enter a number less than/equal to billing interval days.


14313: There are threshold billing rules attached to this account that will need to be removed prior to changing currency since they are not in the future currency.

Associated Input: force_currency_change


14314: There is an active rollover contract for existing currency and it should be cancelled or terminated before proceeding.

Associated Input: force_currency_change


14402: Usage Pooling is not allowed when the Rating Model rates usage on a ‘per record’ basis.


15001: invalid coupon code

Associated Inputs: coupon_codes


15002: coupon expired

Associated Inputs: coupon_codes, coupon_cd


15006: Duplicate surcharge number in input

Associated Inputs: acct_surcharges, mpi_surcharges, mp_surcharge_no


15008: Invalid surcharge rate schedule no

Associated Inputs: rate_schedule_no, mp_rate_schedule_no


15009: Invalid surcharge number

Associated Inputs: surcharge_no, mp_surcharge_no


15010: Coupon code not allowed for Supplemental Plan

Associated Inputs: coupon_cd


15011: The coupon code provided for this account or Master Plan does not match its specified Coupon Applicability Scope, which determines whether the coupon is available at the account level, the Master Plan Instance level, or both.

Associated Inputs: coupon_cd


15012: Coupon code has already been applied and cannot be used again.

Associated Inputs: coupon_codes


15013: The surcharge provided for this Account or Master Plan does not match its specified Surcharge Applicability Scope, which determines whether the surcharge is available at the account level, Master Plan Instance level or both.

Associated Inputs: mpi_surcharges, mp_surcharge_no


15014: Duplicate Surcharges found.

Associated Input: mp_surcharge_no


15015: Surcharge can't be assigned because its application scope is payment method

Associated Inputs: mpi_surcharges, mp_surcharge_no


15016 Invalid coupon directive

Associated Inputs: coupon_directive


15017: Invalid client surcharge id

Associated Inputs: surcharge_updates > client_surcharge_id


15018: Duplicate client surcharge id in input.

Associated Inputs: surcharge_updates > client_surcharge_id


16021: The currency for the contract completion rollover target rate schedule must match the currency on the account.

Associated Inputs: rollover_rate_sched_no/rollover_client_rate_sched_id


18005: Invalid Template number

Associated Inputs: alt_msg_template_no, cn_alt_msg_template_no, alt_inv_template_no, alt_stmt_template_no

<statement_template>, <credit_note_template>, <credit_memo_template>, <rebill_template>

18010: Invalid Credit Memo Template number

Associated Inputs: credit_memo_template

Additional Comments: The credit memo template must be mapped to the "CM" template class.


18011: Invalid Rebill Template number

Associated Inputs: rebill_template

Additional Comments: The rebill template must be mapped to "RB" template class.


20026: agreement id OR credit card info is required

Associated Inputs: pay_method_type, bill_agreement_id, cc_num

Additional Comments: The pay_method_type is "13", the bill_agreement_id is null and cc_num is null.

<bill_agreement_id>, <cc_num>

20031: agreement id is mandatory for this payment method

Associated Inputs: pay_method_type, bill_agreement_id

Additional Comments: The pay_method_type is "29" and the bill_agreement_id is null.

<bill_agreement_id>, <payment_method_type>

23013: Invalid usage threshold applicability

Associated Inputs: usage_threshold_applicability

Additional Comments: The usage_threshold_applicability is not in, "ut" or "up".


25001: failed to calculate taxes


25003: Provided inventory item is not bundled with the Plan definition

Associated Inputs: client_sku

Additional Comments: You have entered an invalid inventory item.


25004: Inventory item units cannot exceed the number of Plan units

Additional Comments: item_units


25005: Inventory item units must be equal to or greater than the minimum quantity defined in the Product Catalog

Associated Inputs: item_units, plan_no, client_plan_id


25006: Total inventory item units must equal the number of Plan units assigned

Associated Inputs: item_units, plan_no, client_plan_id


25007: Inventory item  units must be equal to or less than the maximum quantity specified in the Product Catalog

Associated Inputs: item_units, plan_no, client_plan_id

Additional Comments: The NSO type is individual and the item_units is less than the maximum quantity specified in the product catalog.


25009: One or more provided inventory items are not eligible for purchase.

Associated Inputs: client_sku

Additional Comments: Inventory items are not mapped to the Plans on the account.


25020: Illegal characters entered

Associated Inputs: All character field inputs like firstname lastname, dunning_group_name, comments, etc.

<auth_key>, <client_acct_id>, <existing_client_plan_instance_id>, <new_client_plan_instance_id>, <plan_instance_description>, <new_client_plan_id>, <promo_cd>, <client_plan_unit_inst_id>, <client_service_id>, <service_fulfillment_date>, <alt_proration_end_date>, <client_plan_unit_inst_id>, <new_client_plan_unit_inst_id>, <client_service_id>, <service_fulfillment_date>, <client_plan_unit_inst_id client_plan_unit_inst_id>, <field_name>, <field_value>, <client_alt_rate_schedule_id>, <custom_rate_client_service_id>, <coupon_cd>, <client_surcharge_id>, <parent_client_plan_instance_id>, <degrade_date>, <client_billing_group_id>, <client_dunning_group_id>, <plan_instance_field_name>, <plan_instance_field_value>, <effective_date>, <alt_proration_start_date>, <alt_client_collect_group_id>, <invoice_unbilled_usage>, <usage_accumulation_reset_months>, <usage_pooling>, <usage_threshold_applicability>, <client_sku>, <client_item_svc_location_id>, <client_service_id>, <client_svc_location_id>, <po_num>, <nso_po_num>, <remove_pi_custom_rates>, <resp_client_master_plan_instance_id>, <nso_fulfillment_date alt_start_date>, <retroactive_start_date>, <override_bill_thru_date>, <override_dates_client_mp_instance_id>, <existing_client_billing_group_id>, <billing_group_name>, <billing_group_description>, <new_client_billing_group_id>, <primary_client_payment_method_id>, <backup_client_payment_method_id>, <stmt_first_name>, <stmt_mi>, <stmt_last_name>, <stmt_company_name>, <stmt_address1>, <stmt_address2>, <stmt_address3>, <stmt_city>, <stmt_locality>, <stmt_state_prov>, <stmt_country>, <stmt_postal_cd>, <stmt_phone>, <stmt_phone_ext>, <stmt_cell_phone>, <stmt_work_phone>, <stmt_work_phone_ext>, <stmt_fax>, <stmt_email>, <stmt_birthdate>, <payment_terms_name>, <client_payment_term_id>, <ean_gln_num>, <ean_gln_requisition_num>, <client_collections_group_bg_id>, <client_notification_template_group_id payment_method_name>, <client_payment_method_id>, <payment_method_description>, <cc_num>, <bank_acct_num>, <bank_routing_num>, <cvv>, <track_data1>, <track_data2>, <bill_agreement_id>, <iban>, <bank_swift_cd>, <bank_country_cd>, <mandate_id>, <bank_id_cd>, <bank_branch_cd>, <bill_first_name>, <bill_mi>, <bill_last_name>, <bill_company_name>, <bill_address1>, <bill_address2>, <bill_address3>, <bill_city>, <bill_locality>, <bill_state_prov>, <bill_country>, <bill_postal_cd>, <bill_phone>, <bill_phone_ext>, <bill_cell_phone>, <bill_work_phone>, <bill_work_phone_ext>, <bill_fax>, <bill_email>, <bill_birthdate>, <bank_name>, <bank_city>, <bank_acct_type>, <bank_acct_holder_type existing_client_dunning_group_id>, <dunning_group_name>, <dunning_group_description>, <new_client_dunning_group_id>, <client_dunning_process_id comments>, <do_write>, <client_receipt_id>, <first_name>, <middle_initial>, <last_name>, <company_name>, <address1>, <address2>, <address3>, <city>, <locality>, <state_prov>, <country>, <postal_cd>, <phone>, <phone_ext>, <cell_phone>, <work_phone>, <work_phone_ext>, <fax>, <email>, <birthdate include_plan_instance_queue>, <force_currency_change>, <auto_assign_mandatory_supp_plans>, <proc_field_name>, <proc_field_value application_id>, <application_date>, <alt_caller_id>, <attach_qualifier_option>, <qualifier_name>, <qualifier_value>

25032: The override_bill_thru_date must be in the future, must be after the alt_start_date, retroactive_start_date, or effective_date (if provided), and cannot exceed one recurring billing interval in the future.

Associated Inputs: override_bill_thru_date, alt_start_date, retroactive_start_date, effective_date

Additional Comments: Override_bill_thru_date is before alt_start_date, retroactive_start_date, or effective_date.

<override_bill_thru_date>, <alt_start_date>, <retroactive_start_date>, <effective_date>

25040: Effective date is required when an assignment directive is in the future and override bill thru date is used.


26010: Invalid billing group number

Associated Inputs: billing_group_no


26012: Invalid client-defined billing group ID.

Associated Inputs: client_billing_group_id


26013: Invalid dunning group number

Associated Inputs: dunning_group_no


26014: Invalid client-defined dunning group ID.

Associated Inputs: client_dunning_group_id


26018: Invalid dunning group directive

Associated Inputs: dunning_group_directive


26019: Provided primary payment method idx or primary payment method client defined id is invalid

Associated Inputs: primary_payment_method_idx, primary_client_payment_method_id

<primary_client_payment_method_id>, <primary_payment_method_idx>

26020: Provided secondary payment method idx or secondary payment method client defined id is invalid

Associated Inputs: backup_client_payment_method_id, backup_payment_method_idx

<backup_payment_method_no>, <backup_client_payment_method_id>

26021: Invalid billing group idx

Associated Inputs: billing_group_idx


26022: Invalid dunning group idx

Associated Inputs: dunning_group_idx


26030: The dunning state of the Master Plan Instance cannot be updated to In Progress because no applicable dunning process was found. Please review the dunning processes defined for the appropriate dunning group, Plan, payment method, and/or the client-default to ensure a dunning process exists for this scenario.

Associated Inputs: dunning_state


26031: Client payment terms id not found.

Associated Inputs: client_payment_term_id


26032: Payment terms is not available for the account.

Associated Inputs: payment_terms_no, payment_terms_name, client_payment_term_id

Additional Comments: The payment_terms_no must be mapped to the acct_group_no.

<payment_terms_no>, <payment_terms_name>, <client_payment_term_id>

26034: Payment terms not found.

Associated Inputs: payment_terms_no, payment_terms_name, client_payment_term_id

<payment_terms_no>, <payment_terms_name>, <client_payment_term_id>

26035: Invalid Payment option.

Associated Inputs: payment_option

Additional Comments: The payment_option is not "TERMS" or "METHODS".


26036: Payment Terms Required.

Associated Inputs: payment_option, payment_terms_no, client_payment_term_id

Additional Comments: The payment_option is "TERMS" and the payment_terms_no or client_payment_term_id was not entered.

<payment_option>, <payment_terms_no>, <client_payment_term_id>

26037: EAN GLN number and EAN GLN requisition numbers are required for EAN GLN Payment Terms.

Associated Inputs: payment_terms_no, payment_terms_name, client_payment_term_id, ean_gln_num, ean_gln_requisition_num

Additional Comments: The payment_terms_no is valid and requires that ean_gln_num and ean_gln_requisition_num values are entered, but these values were not entered.

<ean_gln_num>, <ean_gln_requisition_num>

26046: Invalid dunning step. The dunning step does not exist in the dunning process configuration.


26047: Dunning group cannot be modified since it is already disabled.


26048: The Responsible Master Plan Instance cannot be changed for this Parent-pay Master Plan Instance since it is in dunning or has completed dunning without exiting successfully as a result of an unpaid balance transfer.


27001: Invalid fulfilment directive

Associated Inputs: fulfillment_directive


27002: The fulfilment service provided is already invoiced.

Associated Inputs: service_no, client_service_id

<service_no>, <client_service_id>

27003: invalid Plan unit instance

Associated Inputs: plan_unit_inst_no


27004: invalid Plan unit instance id

Associated Inputs: client_plan_unit_inst_id, new client_plan_unit_inst_id

<client_plan_unit_inst_id>, <new_client_plan_unit_inst_id>

27005: The service provided is not a fulfillment based service.

Associated Inputs: service_no

Additional Comments: The entered service_no must be a  a fulfillment based service.


27006:The fulfillment date should not be provided in the future for the immediate fulfilment directive

Associated Inputs: service_fulfillment_date


27007: The fulfillment date should not be provided before account creation date

Associated Inputs: fulfillment_directive, service_fulfillment_date, acct.created

Additional Comments: The fulfillment_directive is immediate and service_fulfillment_date is before the acct.created date.

<service_fulfillment_date>, <fulfillment_directive>

27008: The fulfilment date should not be provided beyond billing period. The fulfillment date must not be outside the current billing

Associated Inputs: service_fulfillment_date


27009: The fulfilment date should not be provided in past when fulfilment directive provided as future

Associated Inputs: service_fulfillment_date, fulfilment_directive

<service_fulfillment_date>, <fulfillment_directive>

27010: The fulfilment date should be provided when fulfilment directive provided as futureThe fulfillment date cannot be blank when the fulfillment directive indicates a future fulfillment date

Associated Inputs: .service_fulfillment_date, fulfilment_directive

<service_fulfillment_date>, <fulfillment_directive>

27016: Since this account does not have a retroactive start date, the service fulfillment date must be the same as the current date when fulfillment_directive = 1.

Associated Inputs: fulfillment_directive, service_fulfillment_date

Additional Comments: The fulfillment_directive is immediate (1) and the service_fulfillment_date is not the current date.

<service_fulfillment_date>, <fulfillment_directive>

27017: Eligible service no/service id is required when Eligible fulfillment date/fulfillment directive is specified.

Associated Inputs: service_fulfillment_date, fulfillment_directive, client_service_id, service_no

Additional Comments: Service_fulfillment_date and fulfillment_directive were entered and the client_service_id or service_no was not entered.

<service_fulfillment_date>, <fulfillment_directive>

27019: Invalid fulfillment directive as the account start date is in future.

Associated Inputs: fulfillment_directive (1), alt_start_date

Additional Comments: The fulfillment_directive is immediate (1) and alt_start_date is in the future.

<fulfillment_directive>, <alt_start_date>

27020: Fulfillment date cannot be earlier than start date.

Associated Inputs: service_fulfillment_date


27022: Since this account has a retroactive start date, the service fulfillment date must be on or after the account's retroactive start date and on or before the current date when fulfillment_directive = 1.

Associated Inputs: fulfillment_directive, service_fulfillment_date, retroactive_start_date

Additional Comments: The fulfillment_directive is immediate (1) and service_fulfillment_date falls before the retroactive_start_date.

<service_fulfillment_date>, <fulfillment_directive>, <retroactive_start_date>

27024: Duplicate Plan unit instance index in input

Associated Inputs: plan_unit_inst_idx


29004: Provided contact idx is invalid.

Associated Inputs: contact_idx, bill_contact_idx, stmt_contact_idx, dest_contact_idx, item_dest_contact_idx

Additional Comments: When there is no matching map index available for acct_contact_idx, contact_idx, bill_contact_idx, stmt_contact_idx, dest_contact_idx, item_dest_contact_id, this error occurs.

<item_dest_contact_idx>, <dest_contact_idx>, <stmt_contact_idx>, <bill_contact_idx>, <contact_idx>

29005: The contact number provided is invalid for the specified account.

Associated Inputs: acct_contact_no, bill_contact_no, stmt_contact_no

<item_dest_contact_no>, <dest_contact_no>, <stmt_contact_no>, <bill_contact_no>
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