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Aria Security: Roles & User Access

Aria Systems Academy Course Abstract
12 minutes / Elearning / Aria Billing Cloud

The objective of this course is to explain the how to use the Security module within Aria to facilitate a team of users with different roles to configure an Aria instance. At the end of this course, you will understand how to create roles that define user access; how to create a user with which a role is associated; and how a role works in practice when users log in.

Who Should Take This Course?
  • Aria Administrators charged with providing access to team members for configuring Aria
  • Project Managers charged with delegating Aria configuration tasks
  • Solution Architects charged with crafting an implementation plan

Creating a User Role

6 minutes

  • Read, Create, Edit, Delete: Granularity of access to Aria modules and configuration that roles enable
  • How to create a custom role

Creating a User

6 minutes

  • How to create a user with a custom role
  • How to log in as a newly created user
  • Appearance of the Aria UI when logged on as a user associated with a highly restricted role

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