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Retrieve an Account's Usage History


You can check how many units an account has used at any time by following the steps below.

Retrieving an Account's Usage History

Getting Here: Click Accounts > Usage > Unit-based Usage Monitoring tab.

  1. Select a specific Master Plan Instance(MPI) or select All to include all MPIs.
  2. Select a From Date and (if applicable) a Through Date.
  3. Select a Usage Type from the drop down.
  4. Click Retrieve Usage.

The following usage information is displayed:

  • The master plan instance ID.
  • The client-defined master plan instance ID.
  • The plan instance ID.
  • The billed user ID.
  • The accrued user ID.
  • The usage class.
  • The usage type.
  • From/To information.
  • How many units of usage the account has accumulated so far.
  • The rate for each unit.
  • The total charge for any exceeded units.


Once the Unit Qty. column displays an amount that exceeds a set unit threshold, an event notification is sent if the event is enabled.

To download a the selected usage records to a spreadsheet click the link to Download Usage To Spreadsheet.

Click the Discard Usage button to permanently delete the usage record.

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