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Aria Knowledge Central

Taxation Settings


Your taxation settings determine how the system processes tax calculations during invoicing, such as which address will be used to calculate taxes due from customers.

Note: It is recommended that you use the default value if the setting does not apply.

Taxation Settings

Getting Here: Click Configuration > Billing > Taxation Settings

Below is a list of taxation settings, their descriptions, default values, and where the parameter can be set in the user interface.

Parameter Name Description Values

Account Taxable Address to Use

Determines which contact address to use when calculating taxes for an account and specifies which address on the account the tax engine should use to calculate taxes.

Account Contact

Billing Contact (Default)

Statement Contact

Aria Internal Tax Rounding Method

When you use the Aria internal tax engine, this parameter determines how to round taxes for each invoice line item:

  • If you select Per line, Aria rounds taxes for each line item individually.
  • If you select Per invoice, Aria adjusts the rounding of taxes for the line items up or down as needed to ensure that the total taxes at the line item level and at the overall invoice level will match.

Per line (Default)

Per invoice

Aria Internal Tax Rounding Preference

Client configuration governing how Aria's Internal Tax engine should perform rounding of tax amount for both tax inclusive and exclusive calculations in favoring a particular party; the relevant tax authority (default) the merchant, or allow natural rounding (using the common "half up" approach and accounting for the relevant currency's unit. This configuration specifies which party gets favored in the rounding logic and works in conjunction with Aria Internal Tax Rounding Method' which governs at which level the calculation takes place. Legacy Rounding
Stop on Batch Invoicing Tax Errors Determines whether to stop invoice creation when a taxation error is encountered during daily batch invoicing.

Continue Processing on Tax Generation Errors (Default)

Stop Processing on Tax Generation Errors

Stop on Immediate Invoicing Tax Errors Determines whether to stop invoice creation when a taxation error is encountered during immediate order invoicing, proration invoicing, or manually-executed anniversary invoicing.

Continue Processing on Tax Generation Errors (Default)

Stop Processing on Tax Generation Errors

Writeoff Tax Treatment Determines how writeoff invoices are to be posted to third party tax engines, either as void, as reversal, or no action taken.

None (Default)



Changing Taxation Settings

Getting Here: Click Configuration > Billing > Taxation Settings

  1. Click the Taxation Setting you would like to edit.clipboard_ea82f127588af6fbd0f29f7a551bf6916.png

The details of the setting displays in a new window
tax settingv2.png

  1. Choose a new option from the Value drop-down, if applicable (see descriptions in the overview section above).
  2. Click Save.

Note: If you do not have any changes, clicking Close at the top of the screen will cancel any changes.

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