Below are response and error codes returned from Direct Post Handler. It is recommended that you use the error keys when printing out error messages, rather than error codes, since error codes are not necessarily unique. Error codes are useful for tracking and logging errors.
Direct Post Handler Response and Error Codes
Note: Error codes marked “Various” are returned directly from Aria APIs.
Error Key |
Error Code |
Error Message |
servercouldnotgetaccountdetails |
Various |
Could not get account details. |
serversessionexpired |
1016 |
Your session has expired, but an account has been created. |
servermustselectpaymethod |
1010 |
You must select a method of payment. |
serveryoumustenterccnumber |
1010 |
You must enter a credit card number. |
servercouldnotgetaccountdetails |
1011 |
Invalid session. |
serverccnumnumeric |
1012 |
Credit card numbers must be numeric. |
servercardmustbe16digits |
1012 |
Visa, MasterCard and Discover card numbers must be 16 digits long. |
serveramexmustbe15digits |
1012 |
Amex card numbers must be 15 digits long. |
serverlengthofccnumber |
1012 |
Amex card numbers must be 15 digits long. Visa, MasterCard & Discover card numbers must be 16 digits long. |
servercvvmissing |
1010 |
Card security code missing. |
servercvvmustbenumeric |
6012 |
Card security codes must be numeric. |
servercvvhowmanydigits |
6012 |
Card security codes must be 3 or 4 digits. |
serverexpirationmonthmissing |
1010 |
Credit card expiration month missing. |
serverexpirationyearmissing |
1010 |
Credit card expiration year missing. |
serverccexpired |
4008 |
Credit card has expired. |
Varies depending on the scenario. |
4009 |
Invalid credit card number. |
servercouldnotupdatepaymethod |
Various |
Could not update payment method. |
servercouldnotvalidatecard |
Various |
Could not validate credit card. Please re-enter card number, expiration and CVV. |
serverenterbankroutingnumber |
1010 |
You must enter a bank routing number for electronic funds transfer. |
serverroutingnummustbenumeric |
1012 |
Bank routing numbers must be numeric. |
serverroutingnum9digits |
1012 |
Bank routing number must be 9 digits. |
serverbankaccountrequired |
1010 |
Bank routing number must be 9 digits. |
serverbankacctnumeric |
1012 |
Bank account numbers must be numeric. |
serverbankacct20digits |
1012 |
Bank account number must be less than 20 digits. |
servercouldnotupdatepaymethod |
Various |
Could not update payment method. |
servermustentervalidcollectionamount |
1010 |
You must enter a valid collection amount. |
serverinvalidpaymethodforcollection |
1010 |
You must enter a valid payment method for payment. Net terms is not allowed. |
serverbankaccountrequired |
1010 |
bban or iban. |
servercouldnotvalidatepaymentinformation |
Various |
Could not validate payment information. |
servercouldnotcollectfromacct |
Various |
Could not collect from account. |
servercouldnotvalidatecard |
Various |
Could not validate credit card information. |
servercouldnotupdateacctstatusonpromotion |
Various |
Invoice accepted, but account status was not changed. |
servercouldnotupdateacctstatusonauthfailure |
Various |
Authorization failed: Could not update account. |
servercouldnotsettleinvoice |
Various |
Could not settle invoice. |