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Secure Event Notifications Via HTTP


You can configure event notifications to fire at an endpoint within your IT environment securely via the HTTP protocol. Aria supports custom HTTP headers, and basic HTTPS and OAuth 2.0 authentication.


  1. You have at least one endpoint within your IT environment configured to receive data from the Aria application via HTTP.
  2. If you require authentication for data consumption within your IT environment:
    1. If you plan to use basic HTTPS authentication, you must have a location on your destination server configured to be accessible via an HTTP username and password.
    2. If you plan to use OAuth 2.0 authorization, you must have a server that is addressable via URL configured to authorize HTTP traffic via the OAuth 2.0 protocol.
  3. You have enabled Event Notifications in your Aria client instance.
  4. You have enabled at least one Event Class.
  5. You are currently configuring the steps on the Step Results tab of the Event Class in the Aria application, and have chosen a method from the dropdown menu with "via Secure HTTP" indicated.

Configuring a Step With a Secure HTTP Method

  1. Enter the URI for the destination of the server in your environment. This will be a listener on your server that can receive the data payload.
  2. You can optionally add one or more custom HTTP Headers, depending on your technical requirements.
    1. Click the + Add Header button.

    2. Enter the desired name in the Name field, and Value in the Value field.
    3. Repeat as necessary to add the required customer headers
  3. Choose an Authentication Type. The default value is none, which requires no additional configuration.
  1. If you choose Basic HTTPS, Username and Password fields will appear.

    Enter the username and password used to access the destination URI.
  1. If you choose OAuth 2.0:

  1. You must enter a Client Id, Client Secret, and an Authorization URL.
  2. You can optionally add OAuth-related custom headers by clicking the + Add Header button under OAuth 2.0 Settings and entering names and values in the respective Name and Value fields.

  3. You can optionally add scope and/or resource parameters by clicking the + Add parameter button under OAuth 2.0 Parameters.
  • Choosing Resource reveals the Resource URI text field, into which you should type the URI in your IT environment of the target service that will authenticate the Aria application and allow it to post the data load of the event.
  • Choosing Scope reveals the Scope Value text field, into which you should type the space-delimited, case-sensitive scope text string applicable to your HTTP endpoint for accommodating OAuth 2.0 authentication.
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