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Aria Knowledge Central

Enable Event Notifications


This article describes the steps used to enable event notifications.

Enabling Event Notifications

Getting Here: Click Configuration > Notifications > Provisioning Settings

  1. Click Provisioning Request Creation Status.
  2. From the Value drop-down, select True to enable this event notification.
  3. Click Save.
  4. Click any other additional settings, then select the desired Value to configure the selected event notification:
    • Account and Master Plan Instance Class Include Plan Instance Supplemental Fields: Indicates whether the plan instance supplemental fields are included in the account and master class provisioning message.
    • Do Prov On Zero Cost Order: Indicates whether Aria sends event notifications for zero-cost orders.
    • Force provisioning of Child Accounts on modification of Parent: Indicates whether Aria sends event notifications about a child account when its parent account is changed.
    • Force provisioning of Parent Account on modification of Child: Indicates whether Aria sends event notifications about the parent account when any of its child accounts is changed.
    • Manage Unapplied Service Credit Balance Events: Indicates whether Aria sends event notifications for zero-cost orders.
    • Provisioning Request Creation Status: Indicates whether Aria sends provisioning requests into the provisioning queue.
    • Provisioning Request Processing Status: Set to Active to indicate whether Aria sends accumulated event notifications when you re-enable event notification after you had it suspended.
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