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Edits a surcharge.

Note: The previously existing input and/or output fields <client_item_id>, <client_item_id_out> and/or <filter_client_item_id> were removed from this API call in Release 47.

Input Arguments

Req Field Name Field Type Max Length Description
required-icon.png client_no long 22 Aria-assigned unique identifier indicating the Aria client providing service to this account.
required-icon.png auth_key string 32 Aria-assigned unique key to be passed with each method call for authenticating the validity of the requestor.
required-icon.png surcharge_no string 100 Surcharge No
  client_surcharge_id string 100 Specifies client defined id for Surcharge
required-icon.png surcharge_name string 100 Specifies Surcharge Name. Translatable.
required-icon.png description string 1000 Specifies description for the Surcharge. Translatable.
required-icon.png ext_description string 1000 Specifies description that can be added to statment and is visible to the user. Translatable.
required-icon.png currency_cd string 3 Specifies the currency code of the surcharge
required-icon.png scope_no int 2 Specifies the charges eligible for the discount.

Allowable values for scope_no:

required-icon.png surcharge_tier array    
required-icon.png brd_arrow.giffrom int 10 REST input arrays should be passed in the following format: surcharge_tier[0][from]=1&surcharge_tier[1][from]=1 etc. Index 0 specifies the first tier and 1 specifies the second tier and so on.
  brd_arrow.gifto int 10 REST input arrays should be passed in the following format: surcharge_tier[0][to]=3&surcharge_tier[1][to]=7 etc. Index 0 specifies the first tier and 1 specifies the second tier and so on. This is mandatory unless it is the last tier
required-icon.png brd_arrow.gifrate float 12 REST input arrays should be passed in the following format: surcharge_tier[0][rate][0]=3&surcharge_tier[0][rate][1]=4 etc.
  brd_arrow.gifdescription string 50 This field is used to display custom rate tier description. REST input arrays should be passed in the following format: surcharge_tier[1][description][0]=Custom description&surcharge_tier[1][description][1]=custom description etc. Index [tier][0] specifies the first tier and [tier][1] specifies the second tier and so on. Translatable.
  apply_to_zero_invoice_ind int 8 DeprecatedSpecifies whether the minimum surcharge should apply to zero dollar invoice or not.
  plan_no int array 12 Specifies the plan that are eligible for the surcharge. This is mandatory for scope 3 and 5.REST input arrays should be passed in the following format: plan_no[0]=1002&plan_no[1]=1003 etc
  client_plan_id string array 100 Specifies the plan that are eligible for the surcharge. This is mandatory for scope 3 and 5.REST input arrays should be passed in the following format: client_plan_id[0]=1002&client_plan_id[1]=1003 etc
  service_no int array 12 Specifies the services that are eligible for the surcharge. This is mandatory for scope 4 and 5. REST input arrays should be passed in the following format: For scope 4 service_no[0]=1002&service_no[1]=1003 For scope 5 service_no[0][0]=10002&service_no[0][1]=1001&service_no[1][0]=100&service_no[1][1]=103
  client_service_id string array 100 Specifies the services that are eligible for the surcharge. This is mandatory for scope 4 and 5. REST input arrays should be passed in the following format: For scope 4 client_service_id[0]=1002&client_service_id[1]=1003 For scope 5 client_service_id[0][0]=10002
  item_no int array 12 Specifies the inventory items that are eligible for the surcharge. This is mandatory for scope 10. REST input arrays should be passed in the following format: item_no[0]=1002&item_no[1]=103
  client_sku string array 100 Client SKU of the NSO/Inventory Item
  schedule array    
required-icon.png brd_arrow.gifschedule_name string 10 Specifies schedule name. REST input arrays should be passed in the following format: schedule[0][schedule_name]=TestSchedule1&schedule[1][schedule_name]=TestSchedule2 etc. Translatable.
required-icon.png brd_arrow.gifcurrency_cd string 3 Currency of the Rate Schedule. REST input arrays should be passed in the following format: schedule[0][currency_cd]=usd&schedule[1][currency_cd]=eur etc.
  brd_arrow.gifis_default boolean 5 Specifies if the rate schedule is default for the currency. REST input arrays should be passed in the following format: schedule[0][is_default]=1&schedule[1][is_default]=1 etc.

Allowable values for is_default:

  brd_arrow.gifmin_surcharge_to_apply float 5 Minimum surchage to apply. REST input arrays should be passed in the following format: schedule[0][min_surcharge_to_apply]=10 etc
  brd_arrow.gifinclude_zero int 1 Specifies how the discount will be displayed in the invoice.

Allowable values for include_zero:

  surcharge_scope int 1 Specifies the surcharge application. The parameter is available only for EOM Clients.

Allowable values for surcharge_scope:

  locale_name string 32 Name of the locale to which the translations belong.
  locale_no int 38 Aria-assigned unique identifier of the locale used for translations.

Output Arguments

Field Name Field Type Description
error_code long Aria-assigned error identifier. 0 indicates no error
error_msg string Textual description of any error that occurred. "OK" if there was no error.
surcharge_no string Surcharge No