Creates a new service location that can be used as the origin address for tax purposes.
Input Arguments
Req | Field Name | Field Type | Max Length | Description |
client_no | long | 22 | Aria-assigned unique identifier indicating the Aria client providing service to this account. | |
auth_key | string | 32 | Aria-assigned unique key to be passed with each method call for authenticating the validity of the requestor. | |
svc_location_name | string | 100 | The name of the origin location for the service. | |
svc_location_state_prov | string | 10 | State or Province of the service location. The official postal-service codes for all United States, Australia and Canada states, provinces, and territories. Note that this input is required when the country is the United States, Australia or Canada. This field does not support states, provinces or territories from other countries. Use the locality field for other countries. | |
svc_location_country | string | 10 | Country of the location contact. The ISO-compliant 2-character country code abbreviation in uppercase. | |
client_svc_location_id | string | 100 | The client-defined location identifier for the service. | |
svc_location_company_name | string | 300 | Company name of the service location. | |
svc_location_address1 | string | 300 | First address line of the service location. | |
svc_location_address2 | string | 300 | Second address line of the service location. | |
svc_location_address3 | string | 300 | Third address line of the service location. | |
svc_location_city | string | 300 | City of the service location. | |
svc_location_locality | string | 300 | Locality of the service location. | |
svc_location_postal_cd | string | 15 | Postal/Zip code for the service location address. |
Output Arguments
Field Name | Field Type | Description |
error_code | long | Aria-assigned error identifier. 0 indicates no error. |
error_msg | string | Textual description of any error that occurred. "OK" if there was no error. |
svc_location_no | long | Aria-assigned unique identifier for the service location. |