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Aria Knowledge Central

Void a Cash Credit


You can void a Cash Credit applied to an account's balance in Aria. 

Note: If Aria detects that a cash credit has not been applied to a transaction, it will raise the error message, "An error occurred while processing the void of cash credit '<the cash credit number>'. Please note any specific account and steps taken to trigger this error, and then contact Customer Support for assistance."

Voiding a Cash Credit

Getting here: specified Account > Payments and Credits > Cash Credits tab

  1. On the Cash Credits tab, find the cash credit you want to void, then click the Void link in the Actions column on the right.
  2. Aria pops up a message asking you to confirm you want to void the cash credit. Click "OK."
  3. Aria reloads the Cash Credits tab, with a success message, "Credit has been successfully voided." The cash credit you voided now shows "Voided" in the Actions column on the right.
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