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Aria Knowledge Central

Invoice Setting—Auto Void Credit Memo


You can specify whether or not Aria will be able to void invoices to which you have applied one or more credit memos. By default, you cannot void invoices with associated credit memos. 

Best Practices

  • If setting is True, the credit memo to which an invoice is applied will automatically be voided when you voice that invoice.
  • If setting is False (default) and you attempt to void an invoice to which a credit memo is applied, the void will fail and the following message will appear: “The invoice cannot be voided because one or more credit memos have been applied to it.”

Set This Parameter

Getting Here: Click Configuration > Billing > Invoice Settings:

Double click on the invoice setting shown below.


  1. Select True from the drop-down list to activate this setting.
  2. Click Save.

Repeat the previous steps and select False to return this parameter to its default setting.

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