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Aria Knowledge Central

Events in the Usage Monitoring Class


Listed below are event details associated with the monitoring of Master Plan Instance usage values, balances, and thresholds, as well as their related data elements.

XSD Files

Below are the Stage Future, Production and Stage Current XSD files.

Versions Stage Future Production

List of Events

Below is a list of the events in the usage monitoring class. (The events listed may appear in a different order in the UI.)

Event ID Label Description
1101 MPI's unbilled usage value is now OVER OR EQUAL TO client-defined MTD (month-to-date) threshold value. The total currency value of a Master Plan Instance's month-to-date unbilled usage was previously UNDER the client-defined threshold amount for system notification but is now OVER OR EQUAL TO that threshold.
1102 MPI's unbilled usage value has crossed UNDER client-defined MTD threshold value. The total currency value of a Master Plan Instance's month-to-date unbilled usage was previously OVER OR EQUAL TO the client-defined threshold amount for system notification but is now UNDER that amount.
1103 MPI's unbilled usage value is now OVER OR EQUAL TO client-defined PTD (billing-period-to-date) threshold value. The total currency value of a Master Plan Instance's master billing-period-to-date unbilled usage was previously UNDER the client-defined threshold amount for system notification but is now OVER OR EQUAL TO that threshold.
1104 MPI's unbilled usage value has crossed UNDER client-defined PTD threshold value. The total currency value of a Master Plan Instance's master billing-period-to-date unbilled usage was previously OVER OR EQUAL TO the client-defined threshold amount for system notification but is now UNDER that threshold.
1105 MPI's unbilled usage value is now OVER OR EQUAL TO client-defined MTD threshold percentage. The total currency value of a Master Plan Instance's month-to-date unbilled usage was previously UNDER the client-defined threshold percentage for system notification but is now OVER OR EQUAL TO that threshold.
1106 MPI's unbilled usage value has crossed UNDER client-defined MTD threshold percentage. The total currency value of a Master Plan Instance's month-to-date unbilled usage was previously OVER OR EQUAL TO the client-defined threshold percentage for system notification but is now UNDER that threshold.
1107 MPI's unbilled usage value is now OVER OR EQUAL TO client-defined PTD threshold percentage. The total currency value of a Master Plan Instance's master billing-period-to-date unbilled usage was previously UNDER the client-defined threshold percentage for system notification but is now OVER OR EQUAL TO that threshold.
1108 MPI's unbilled usage value has crossed UNDER client-defined PTD threshold percentage. The total currency value of a Master Plan Instance's master billing-period-to-date unbilled usage was previously OVER OR EQUAL TO the client-defined threshold percentage for system notification but is now UNDER that threshold.
1109 MPI's unbilled unit usage value is now OVER OR EQUAL TO the client-defined MTD threshold value. The Master Plan Instance's month-to-date unbilled unit usage was previously UNDER the client-defined threshold usage unit for system notification, but is now OVER OR EQUAL TO that usage unit.
1110 MPI's unbilled unit usage value is now UNDER client-defined MTD threshold value. The Master Plan Instance's month-to-date unbilled unit usage was previously OVER OR EQUAL TO the client-defined threshold usage unit for system notification, but is now UNDER that usage unit.
1111 MPI's unbilled unit usage value is now OVER OR EQUAL TO client-defined PTD threshold value. The Master Plan Instance's master billing-period-to-date unbilled unit usage was previously UNDER the client-defined threshold usage unit for system notification, but is now OVER OR EQUAL TO that usage unit.
1112 MPI's unbilled unit usage value is now UNDER client-defined PTD threshold value. The Master Plan Instance's master billing-period-to-date unbilled unit usage was previously OVER OR EQUAL TO the client-defined threshold usage unit for system notification, but is now UNDER that usage unit.
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