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Aria Knowledge Central

Events in the Product Class


Listed below are event details associated with the product catalog and their related data elements.

XSD and DTD Files

Below are the Stage Future, as well as the Production and Stage Current XSD and DTD files for the corresponding versions.

Version Stage Future Production and Stage Current
Version 1.0 (default)
Version 2.0

List of Events

Below is a list of events in the product catalog class.

The table below details the new product catalog events and provides a description of the action that is triggered for each event. To enable or disable these events, navigate to Configuration > Notifications > Events > Products.

Note: These events are disabled by default. To enable an event, select the check box next to the corresponding event(s) and click Save.

Event ID Label Description
1201 Plan Created This event is triggered when a new master plan or supplemental plan is created.
1202 Plan Deleted This event is triggered when an unassigned master plan or supplemental plan is deleted.
1203 Plan Status Modified This event is triggered when the status of a master plan or a supplemental plan is changed from Active to Inactive, or vice versa.
1204 Plan Rate Schedule Added This event is triggered when a new rate schedule is added to an existing plan.
1205 Plan Rate Schedule Modified This event is triggered when a rate schedule of an existing plan is modified.
1206 Plan Service Added This event is triggered when a service is added to an existing plan or a service that was queued to be added is then added to an existing plan.
1207 Plan Service Deleted This event is triggered when a service is deleted from an existing plan or a service that was queued to be deleted is then deleted from an existing plan.
1208 Service Created This event is triggered when a new service is created.
1209 Service Modified This event is triggered when an existing service is modified.
1210 Service Deleted This event is triggered when an unassigned service is deleted.
1211 Usage Type Added This event is triggered when a new usage type is created.
1212 Usage Type Modified This event is triggered when an existing usage type is modified.
1214 Plan Details Modified This event is triggered when the Plan Name, Client Defined Identifier, or Description is modified on an existing plan.
1215 Non-Subscription Offering Created This event is triggered when a new Non-Subscription Offering is created.
1216 Non-Subscription Offering Deactivated This event is triggered when a queued Non-Subscription Offering is deactivated.
1217 Non-Subscription Offering Activated This event is triggered when a queued Non-Subscription Offering is activated.
1218 Non-Subscription Offering Details Modified This event is triggered when an existing non-subscription offering name, Client Defined Identifier, Description, SKU, Track Stock Level, Queue Activation, or Auto Create Service Credit is modified.
1219 Non-Subscription Offering Status Modified This event is triggered when a Non-Subscription Offering status is modified from Active to Inactive, or vice versa.
1222 Non-Subscription Offering Service Modified This event is triggered when a service is modified on an existing Non-Subscription Offering.
1223 Non-Subscription Offering Pricing Modified This event is triggered when pricing on an existing Non-Subscription Offering is modified. 
1224 Plan Service Queued for Removal This event is triggered when a service is queued for removal on an existing plan for new and existing subscriptions.
1225 Plan Service Queued for Addition This event is triggered when a service is queued for addition on an existing plan for new subscriptions and existing subscriptions.

Plan Inventory Item Modified

This event is triggered when a plan inventory item is modified for an existing plan.

Plan Future Item Purchases Modified

This event is triggered when an existing plan’s Future Item Purchases tab is modified.

1228 Translation Modified This event is triggered when a translation is modified for an existing plan including Rate Schedules, Services, Non-subscription Offering, and/or Usage Types.
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