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Using a Generated Swagger SDK

Generic Swagger SDK Usage, Standards, and Support

The Swagger/OpenAPI standard and Swagger code generation are open source and community-driven. For generic information about how to use a Swagger client, please refer to one of the following Swagger sites:

There are many different languages that one can generate a Swagger SDK in. Because SDKs are language-specific and generate with their own templates by Swagger there can be differences in how they might be structured or used. Below we describe how a Java-based client is structured in Swagger. Some of this description will be specific to the Java SDK, and some will be pertinent to any language.

SDK Language-Specific README File

Once generated, the SDK often has a companion README file that lives in the generated-sources directory. It will contain instructions on how to embed, initialize, and use the SDK in your codebase. This file is a recommended read for initial SDK setup into your codebase.

Java-Based Clients

This section describes the layout and usage of a Swagger client that is generated in Java using the structure configured in our example Maven client generation script.

General Layout

Our example client Java-based generation sets up the SDK to generate in a "./target/generated-sources" directory. Inside this directory you will see the following structure:

  • docs - contains documentation in markdown (.md) format describing each API and schema object
  • src/main/Java - the generated SDK source code
  • src/test/Java - test stubs of classes that you can build out into writing integration tests

Code Layout

In Swagger, classes are named using Java's "CamelCase" conventional naming standard as opposed to the "under_score" format commonly used to describe Aria APIs and data structures. For example the API, "create_order_m", is represented in the class, "CreateOrderM". The data structure commonly referred to as "invoice_detail" is represented by the class, "InvoiceDetail".

API classes

In Swagger, every Aria API is generated as an individual class. All API classes are located in the "ariasystems.core.client.API" package. Each API class offers three ways to call its represented API:

  • Simplified
  • with HTTP info
  • Asynchronous

Simplified APIs

This type of API is the most straightforward way to call an Aria endpoint. It takes a single "body" parameter that represents the 'Request' payload to send to the Aria Core API endpoint. It waits for the endpoint to respond and either returns a Response object containing the Aria Core response or it can throw an exception if there was a failure in the transmission. These methods are named the same way as the API class they reside in except that they are in "lowerCamelCase". Example: "acctPlanInstallCompleteM" method found in the AcctPlanInstallCompleteM class.

'with HTTP info' APIs

This type of API works nearly the same way as the above described simplified API. The one difference is that, instead of returning the Response object containing the data returned by the endpoint, this returns an APIResponse object. The APIResponse object contains HTTP-info-like response codes and header info, as well as the data payload Response object. These methods are named with a "WithHttpInfo" suffix (such as acctPlanInstallCompleteMWithHttpInfo).

Asynchronous API

This type of API enables the caller to make the call to the Aria endpoint asynchronously. In addition to the standard request parameter that the other APIs require, a second 'callback' is defined. The callback parameter signifies the logic to invoke upon an successful response from the server and logic to invoke upon a failure scenario. The method returns a Call object which can be used to gather the current status of the API call or to cancel it. These methods are named with an "Async" suffix (such as acctPlanInstallCompleteMAsync).

Model Classes

Model classes are found in the ariasystems.core.client.model project. Each API has a specific Request object that represents the request payload sent to the Server endpoint, as well as a Response object that represents the data returned. Each of these objects are named after the API they are associated with it. For example, the "acct_plan_install_complete_m"/"AcctPlanInstallCompleteM" API has a request object named AcctPlanInstallCompleteMRequest and a response object named "AcctPlanInstallCompleteMResponse".

The Request and Response objects themselves are simple POJOs that contain "getters" and "setters" for the fields they contain. Each of these fields are typed in their expected format. For example, a textual field will be typed as a String. Numeric fields will have a numeric type (either as a long or as a BigDecimal). Fields with a compound structure to them will be defined as a typed object that represents that compound structure. Request objects always contain getters and setters for clientNo and authKey values used for the endpoint's authentication and authorization.

Calling an API

To call an Aria Core API, simply follow the following steps:

  • Instantiate an object from the class that represents the target Aria core API.
  • Instantiate an object from the class that represents the target APIs request payload and populate it with the data to send to the API.
  • Invoke one of the three types of API method described above in the API classes section.
  • Wait for the call to complete and process the response object returned. (In the case of the asynchronous API method types you are not waiting for the response as you've already provided the response handing in the callback parameter).

API example

CreateInstanceContractMRequest body = new CreateInstanceContractMRequest();

ArrayList<ContractPlanInstance> contractPlanInstances = new ArrayList<>();
ContractPlanInstance contractPlanInstance = new ContractPlanInstance();


CreateInstanceContractMResponse response = API.createInstanceContractM(body);"response: {}", response);
validateSuccess(response.getErrorCode(), response.getErrorMsg());
assertTrue(response.getContractNo() > 0);

Best Practices for calling Aria APIs

  • Ensure that your SDK is using the right endpoint (production, stage future, stage current, etc). To ensure the proper target endpoint you can manually set it in the ApiClient attribute of the API classes. On the Java SDK, the endpoint is set via the ApiClient.setBasePath(String basePath). method.
  • Configuring client timeout times - The default timeout times on the generated SDK normally need larger values when dealing with production payloads. These can be set in the ApiClient attribute's httpClient attribute. For the Java client there are 3 different timeout values to set:
    • connectTimeout - via httpClient.setConnectTimeout()
    • readTimeout - via httpClient.setReadTimeout()
    • writeTimeout - via httpClient.setWriteTimeout()
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