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Aria Knowledge Central

get_usage_history_information_m Guide

Get usage records for an account.

API Specification:


Required Fields:

  • <client_no>
  • <auth_key>
  • <query_string>

Additional Guidance

Querystring Keys
Key Name Description
acct_no Aria-assigned account identifier. This value is unique across all Aria-managed accounts.
client_acct_id Client-defined account identifier.
user_id Account's user ID. 
usage_type_no The Aria-assigned usage type number to set the threshold unit amount per specific usage type.
usage_type_code Client-assigned identifier for the type of usage being recorded.
usage_date The date on which the given usage was incurred.
usage_units The number of usage units that are being recorded.
usage_record_no The system-defined usage record ID.
exclude_from_billing A flag that specifies whether or not this usage record should be excluded from billing (neither generating a charge nor appearing on a statement).
qualifier_1 Client-defined string of any value meant for internal use and/or display to customers in statements.
qualifier_2 Client-defined string of any value meant for internal use and/or display to customers in statements.
qualifier_3 Client-defined string of any value meant for internal use and/or display to customers in statements.
qualifier_4 Client-defined string of any value meant for internal use and/or display to customers in statements.
Output Fields
Field Name Notes

<usage_history_information> (array)

  • <usage_record_pre_taxed_ind>
Allowable Values
Values Description
1 Client calculated taxes provided as input to Aria.
2 Aria calculated taxes using Aria's internal tax method.

<usage_history_information> (array)

  • <usage_record_tax_inclusive_ind>
Allowable Values
Values Description
0 Usage amount is Tax Exclusive.
1 Usage amount is Tax Inclusive.

<usage_history_information> (array)

  • <usage_record_tax_details> (array)
    • <tax_authority_level>
Allowable Values
Values Description
0 Federal
1 State/Province
2 County
3 City
4 Unincorporated Area
5 District

<usage_history_information> (array)

  • <usage_record_tax_details> (array)
    • <is_excluded>
Allowable Values
Values Description
0/null Tax record has not been excluded from billing.
1 Tax record has been excluded from billing.
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