Gets detailed account level information for all accounts matching specified query.
Additional Guidance:
Querystring Keys
Key Name |
Description |
acct_no |
The Aria assigned ID of the account |
client_acct_id |
Client specified account identifier |
user_id |
The client defined user_id for the account |
first_name |
Account holder's first name |
last_name |
Account holder's last name |
company_name |
Account holder's company name |
city |
Account holder's city |
country_cd |
Account holder's ISO-compliant, 2-character country code abbreviation in uppercase |
postal_cd |
Account holder's postal code |
senior_acct_no |
The Aria assigned ID of the parent account, if any. |
acct_supp_field_name |
Pipe-delimited array of supplemental field names |
acct_supp_field_value |
Pipe-delimited array of supplemental field values |
billing_group_no |
The system defined billing group ID |
client_billing_group_id |
The client defined defined billing group ID |
primary_pay_method |
Primary pay method number |
secondary_pay_method |
Secondary pay method number |
client_master_plan_id (deprecated) |
Client-defined unique identifier for a Master Plan |
po_num |
Purchase order number assigned to the account or Plan instance |
client_supp_plan_id |
Client-defined identifier for a Supplemental Plan |
supp_plan_no |
Aria-assigned identifier for a Supplemental Plan |
consumer_acct_ind |
Salesforce-specific indicator that identifies an account as a consumer account or a business account
Allowable Values
Values |
Description |
0 |
business |
1 |
consumer |
email |
Email address on account |
bill_email |
Email address on the account’s associated billing group |
Output Fields
Field Name |
Notes |
<notify_method> |
Allowable Values
Values |
Description |
0 |
None |
1 |
HTML Email |
2 |
Text Email |
3 |
Text Email w/link to HTML |
4 |
Data export |
5 |
Printable (no Email) w/Surcharge |
6 |
Printable & Text Email |
7 |
Printable & HTML Email w/Surcharge |
8 |
Printable (no Email) |
9 |
PDF (Printing required, no Email) |
10 |
PDF (delivered by Email) |
11 |
PDF (Printing req & Email)w/surcharge |
12 |
PDF (Printing req, no Email)w/surcharge |
13 |
XML Master File |
14 |
PDF Master File |
15 |
XML Master File and HTML Email |
16 |
XML Master File and Text Email |
17 |
PDF Master File and HTML Email |
<test_acct_ind> |
Allowable Values
Values |
Description |
1 |
test |
0 |
live |
<tax_exemption_level> |
Allowable Values
Values |
Description |
0 |
Account is not exempt from taxation (default). |
1 |
Account is exempt from state/province taxation. |
2 |
Account is exempt from federal/national taxation. |
3 |
Account is exempt from both federal/national and state/province taxation. |
<bg_list_start_master_file> |
Allowable Values
Values |
Description |
0 |
No |
1 |
Yes |
<consumer_acct_ind> |
Allowable Values
Values |
Description |
0 |
business |
1 |
consumer |
<list_start_master_file> |
Allowable Values
Values |
Description |
0 |
No |
1 |
Yes |