get_supp_plans_by_supp_field_m Guide
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Returns a list of supplemental plans associated with a specified value for a supplemental object field.
Additional Guidance:
Input Fields
Field Name |
Notes |
<include_rs_summary> |
Allowable Values
Values |
Description |
true |
true |
false |
false |
<include_translations> |
Allowable Values
Values |
Description |
true |
true |
false |
false |
Output Fields
Field Name |
Notes |
<billing_ind> |
Allowable Values
Values |
Description |
0 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
<display_ind> |
Allowable Values
Values |
Description |
0 |
Displayable |
1 |
Non displayable |
<default_notify_method> |
Allowable Values
Values |
Description |
0 |
None |
1 |
HTML Email |
2 |
Text Email |
3 |
Text Email w/link to HTML |
4 |
Data export |
5 |
Printable (no Email) w/Surcharge |
6 |
Printable & Text Email |
7 |
Printable & HTML Email w/Surcharge |
8 |
Printable (no Email) |
9 |
PDF (Printing required, no Email) |
10 |
PDF (delivered by Email) |
11 |
PDF (Printing req & Email)w/surcharge |
12 |
PDF (Printing req, no Email)w/surcharge |
13 |
XML Master File |
14 |
PDF Master File |
<prepaid_ind> |
Allowable Values
Values |
Description |
0 |
Plan is not prepaid |
1 |
Plan is prepaid |
<proration_invoice_timing_cd> |
Allowable Values
Values |
Description |
I |
Indicates to generate the invoice immediately for the pro-rated charges. |
A |
Indicates to generate the invoice to the next anniversary date for the pro-rated charges. |
<rollover_plan_uom_cd> |
Allowable Values
Values |
Description |
1 |
Day |
2 |
Week |
3 |
Month |
4 |
Quarter |
5 |
Year |
<init_free_period_uom_cd> |
Allowable Values
Values |
Description |
1 |
Day |
2 |
Week |
3 |
Month |
4 |
Quarter |
5 |
Year |
<initial_plan_status_cd> |
Allowable Values
Values |
Description |
1 |
41 |
61 |
<rollover_plan_status_uom_cd> |
Allowable Values
Values |
Description |
1 |
Day |
2 |
Week |
3 |
Month |
4 |
Quarter |
5 |
Year |
<rollover_plan_status_cd> |
Allowable Values
Values |
Description |
1 |
41 |
61 |
<recurring_billing_period_type> |
Allowable Values
Values |
Description |
1 |
Period type for recurring billing cycle is Daily. |
2 |
Period type for recurring billing cycle is Weekly. |
3 |
Period type for recurring billing cycle is Monthly. |
4 |
Period type for recurring billing cycle is Quarterly. |
5 |
Period type for recurring billing cycle is Yearly. |
<usage_billing_period_type> |
Allowable Values
Values |
Description |
1 |
Period type for usage billing cycle is Daily. |
2 |
Period type for usage billing cycle is Weekly. |
3 |
Period type for usage billing cycle is Monthly. |
4 |
Period type for usage billing cycle is Quarterly. |
5 |
Period type for usage billing cycle is Yearly. |
<default_ind> |
Allowable Values
Values |
Description |
0 |
Rate schedule is not the default. |
1 |
Rate schedule is the default. |
<default_ind_curr> |
Allowable Values
Values |
Description |
0 |
Rate schedule is not default for specified currency. |
1 |
Rate schedule is default for specified currency. |
<schedule_display_ind> |
Allowable Values
Values |
Description |
0 |
Rate schedule is not displayable. |
1 |
Rate schedule is displayable. |