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bulk_port_master_plan_instance_m Guide

Allows user to move (cancel source and assign destination) a Master Plan Instance (MPI) from one account to another by providing both source and destination inputs. To specify each account, you can specify a value for either account- or master-plan-instance-specific fields. That is, you can:

  • send the account-specific fields acct_no, user_id, or client_acct_id to identify specific accounts prefixed with source_ or dest_; AND
  • send the plan-instance-specific fields master_plan_instance_no or client_master_plan_instance_id to identify source MPI prefixed with source_.

Sending both account- and plan-instance-specific field values are required, provided the combinations are valid.

Note: Please note that MPIs cannot be moved if the following is true:

  1. Source account and MPI statuses should be "Active".
  2. Destination account status should be "Active".
  3. Source and destination account to be of same Currency.
  4. Source and destination account to be of same Legal Entity.
  5. MPI should not have outstanding MPI balance.
  6. MPI should not be in Dunning.
  7. MPI should not be a Responsible MPI or a Parent-pay MPI.
  8. MPI and its SPIs should not have a service destination contact (when allow_copy_pi_service_dest_contact is "false" for PII compliance).
  9. MPI should not have any pending invoice.
  10. MPI and its SPIs should not have any pending future queues, anniversary queues and status change queues.
  11. MPI should not have any pending orders (non-fulfilled, non-invoiced).
  12. MPI and its SPIs should not have any pending Contracts.
  13. MPI and its SPIs should not have any Recurring Arrear pending charges.
  14. MPI and its SPIs should not have any Proration pending/open charges.
  15. MPI and its SPIs should not have any unbilled usages.
  16. MPI or its Plan Catalog (including SPIs) should not have a Surcharge that is on account level surcharge of destination account, when the client is configured for 'Reject All Duplicate Surcharges'.

API Specification:


Required Fields:

  • <client_no>
  • <auth_key>
  • <port_mpi> (array)
    • <bulk_input_idx>
    • <porting_directive>
    • <source_acct_no>
    • <source_master_plan_instance_no>
    • <dest_acct_no>
    • <dest_billing_group_no>
    • <dest_dunning_group_no>

Additional Guidance

  • MPI or its plan catalog (including of SPIs) should not have a surcharge that is on account level surcharge of destination account, when the client is configured for ‘Reject All Duplicate Surcharges’.
  • In all the above-mentioned validations/limitations, SPIs must be "Active." If a non-active SPI has unbilled usage, pending invoice line, future queue, etc., then it will not restrict the porting of its MPI.
Input Fields
Field Name Notes
Allowable Values
Values Description
1 Cancel and Create
2 Clone/TBD
Allowable Values
Values Description
0 Do Not Allow (default)
1 Allow
Allowable Values
Values Description
0 scheduled/asynchronous
1 immediate/asynchronous

Error Codes

Error Code/Description Associated Inputs

1009: account does not exist, Account not found: AriaNo (acct_no), Account not found: Userid (userid), or Account not found: ClientId (client_acct_id)

Associated Inputs: acct_no, account_no, client_acct_id, user_id, userid, parent_acct_no

<source_acct_no>, <dest_acct_no>

5020: alternate billing day must be between 1 and 31

Associated Inputs: alt_bill_day

<porting_directive>, <allow_copy_pi_service_dest_contact>

5020: alternate billing day must be between 1 and 31

Associated Inputs: alt_bill_day

<porting_directive>, <allow_copy_pi_service_dest_contact>

14053: Invalid Master Plan Instance number

Associated Inputs: master_plan_instance_no


14054: Invalid client Master Plan Instance identifier

Associated Inputs: client_master_plan_instance_id


14136: Offset months must be greater than or equal to 0.


19016: The source and destination accounts cannot be the same.

<source_acct_no>, <dest_acct_no>

19017: For porting_directive=1, the same source MPI should not be attempted to port more than once on the same API call.


26010: Invalid billing group number

Associated Inputs: billing_group_no


26012: Invalid client-defined billing group ID.

Associated Inputs: client_billing_group_id


26013: Invalid dunning group number

Associated Inputs: dunning_group_no


26014: Invalid client-defined dunning group ID.

Associated Inputs: client_dunning_group_id

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