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get_acct_preview_statement_m Guide

Generates account's preview statement based on provided master plan instance.

API Specification: get_acct_preview_statement_m
Required Fields:
  • <client_no>
  • <auth_key>
  • <acct_no> or <client_acct_id>
  • <master_plan_instance_no> or <client_master_plan_instance_id>

Additional Guidance 

Input Fields 
Field Name Notes
Allowable values
Values Description
  (Default) Client settings are used
0 Return the preview of the current period, which is yet to be billed due to positive bill lag days.
1 Return the preview of next period, even though the current period is yet to be billed due to positive bill lag days.

Error Codes

Error Code/Description Associated Inputs

1001: unexpected error


1002: no data found


1004: authentication error

<auth_key>, <client_no>

1016: invalid input

Additional Comments:  This error can be caused by the wrong type of input; for example, text in a numbers-only field, or specifying a value other than one of the documented allowable values.


14046: If you passed in an invalid plan_instance_no, this message will appear: "Invalid Plan instance number". If you passed in an invalid master_plan_instance_id, this message will appear: "Invalid master_plan_instance_id".

Additional Comments: The plan_instance_no or master_plan_instance_id must belong to the account, or it is invalid. The percent_eval_plan_instance_no must belong to the account and also to the MPI given in input.


14047: If you passed in an invalid client_plan_instance_id, this message will appear: "Invalid client Plan instance identifier". If you passed in an invalid client_master_plan_instance_id , this message will appear: "Invalid client_master_plan_instance_id".


18005: Invalid Template number

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