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Returns details for specified service plan

Input Arguments

Req Field Name Field Type Max Length Description
required-icon.png client_no long 22 Aria-assigned unique identifier indicating the Aria client providing service to this account.
required-icon.png auth_key string 32 Aria-assigned unique key to be passed with each method call for authenticating the validity of the requestor.
required-icon.png plan_no int 100 Plan Number
  client_plan_id string 100 Client defined unique identifier
  include_rs_summary string 10 Boolean - true/false. Summary level rate schedule information for all the rate schedules that are associated with a particular plan.
  retrieve_bundled_nso string 10 Boolean - true/false. If set to "true", will retrieve all the bundled NSOs of type inventory item with a particular plan. If left blank, will default to "false".
  retrieve_included_nso string 10 Boolean - true/false. If set to "true", will retrieve all the included NSOs of type inventory item with a particular plan. If left blank, will default to "false".
  locale_no int 38 Aria-assigned unique identifier of the locale used for translations.
  locale_name string 32 Name of the locale to which the translations belong.
  include_translations string 1 Setting this flag as True will fetch the translated fields in all the locales defined. If not passed it defaults to False.

Allowable values for include_translations:

Output Arguments

Field Name Field Type Description
error_code long Aria-assigned error identifier. 0 indicates no error
error_msg string Textual description of any error that occurred. "OK" if there was no error.
plan_no int Plan Number
client_plan_id string Client defined unique identifier
plan_level int Plan Level. [can be 0 or 1]; 0 - Master plan 1 - indicates Supplemental Plan
plan_type string Specifies Plan Type. Valid values are [ Recurring, Free, Pre-paid, Unknown ]
plan_name string Plan Name
plan_desc string Specifies plan description
plan_groups hash  
brd_arrow.gif plan_group int Plan Group Number
plan_group_ids hash  
brd_arrow.gif plan_group_id string Client defined unique identifier
currency_cd string Specifies the currency code of plan
active_ind int Specifies if inventory item is active or inactive. Valid values are: 0 - Inactive and 1 - Active
rollover_months string Specifies rollover months. Valid values are from 0 to 36
rollover_plan_duration int Duration of the plan rollover period (used in conjunction with rollover_plan_uom_cd).
rollover_plan_uom_cd int Units associated with the duration of the plan rollover period (used in conjunction with rollover_plan_duration).

Allowable values for rollover_plan_uom_cd:

rollover_plan_no int Plan number
rollover_client_plan_id string Client defined identifier for rollover plan number
init_free_period_duration int Duration of the initial free period (used in conjunction with init_free_period_uom_cd).
init_free_period_uom_cd int Units associated with the duration of the initial free period (used in conjunction with init_free_period_duration).

Allowable values for init_free_period_uom_cd:

initial_plan_status_cd int

Default status used when master plan is initially assigned on an account.

Allowable values for initial_plan_status_cd:
rollover_plan_status_duration int Duration of the plan status rollover period, after which the initial plan status on the master plan instance will change to the pre-defined rollover plan status (used in conjuction with rollover_plan_status_uom_cd).
rollover_plan_status_uom_cd int

Units associated with the duration of the plan status rollover period after which the initial plan status on the master plan instance will change to the pre-defined rollover plan status (used in conjunction with rollover_plan_status_duration).

Allowable values for rollover_plan_status_uom_cd:
rollover_plan_status_cd int Status used for the master plan instance at the completion of the plan status rollover period.
allow_child_accounts string  
dunning_plan_no int Specifies dunning plan associated with this plan
dunning_client_plan_id string Specifies client defined identifier of the dunning plan associated with this plan
free_trial_duration int Specifies free trial duration.Valid values are from 0 to 99
free_trial_type int Specifies free trial duration.Valid values are : "days" or "months"
initial_free_months int  
acct_status_cd string  
rollover_acct_status_days int  
rollover_acct_status_cd string  
template_no int Specifies invoice template class associated with master plan
template_id string Specifies client defined identifier for the invoice template class associated with master plan
plan_cancel_min_months int Specifies the minimum term months for cancellation service
how_to_apply_min_fee string  
is_deletable string  
services hash  
brd_arrow.gif service_no int Service number
brd_arrow.gif client_service_id string Client defined identifier for service
brd_arrow.gif service_name    
brd_arrow.gif service_type    
parent_plans hash  
brd_arrow.gif parent_plan int Plan Number of parent plan
parent_plan_ids hash  
brd_arrow.gif parent_plan_id string Client defined identifier for parent plan
exclusion_plans hash  
brd_arrow.gif exclusion_plan int Exclusion Plan Number
resources hash  
brd_arrow.gif resources int  
brd_arrow.gif resource_type_no int Resource Type number
brd_arrow.gif resource_units int No. of units
brd_arrow.gif expire_on_paid_through int Expires on paid through data
brd_arrow.gif reset_on_update int  
brd_arrow.gif add_days_to_expiry int  
supplemental_obj_fields hash  
brd_arrow.gif field_no int the field no
brd_arrow.gif field_value string the field value
brd_arrow.gif field_name string the field name
surcharges hash  
brd_arrow.gif surcharge_no hash  
brd_arrow.gif surcharge_nos int Specifies the surcharge_no associated with this plan.
brd_arrow.gif client_surcharge_id hash  
proration_invoice_timing_cd string Specifies whether to create a separate invoice for prorated charges immediately, or defer to the next anniversary date.
rate_sched hash  
brd_arrow.gif schedule_no int Schedule Number
brd_arrow.gif client_rate_schedule_id string Client defined unique id for the schedule
brd_arrow.gif schedule_name string Schedule Name
brd_arrow.gif schedule_currency string Schedule currency
brd_arrow.gif recurring_billing_interval int Recurring billing interval
brd_arrow.gif recurring_billing_period_type int Recurring Billing Period Type can be either of 1, 2, 3
brd_arrow.gif usage_billing_interval int Usage billing interval
brd_arrow.gif usage_billing_period_type int Usage Billing Period Type can be either of 1, 2, 3
brd_arrow.gif default_ind int Plan default indicator
brd_arrow.gif default_ind_curr int Currency default indicator
contract_rollover_plan_no int Pre-defined plan to be used as the rollover plan at the completion of the contract
contract_rollover_client_plan_id string Client-defined id of the pre-defined plan to be used as the rollover plan at the completion of a contract
contract_rollover_rate_sched hash  
brd_arrow.gif current_rate_sched_no int Current rate schedule for which the rollover rate schedule is being defined
brd_arrow.gif current_client_rate_sched_id string Client-defined id of the current rate schedule for which the rollover rate schedule is being defined
brd_arrow.gif rollover_rate_sched_no int Pre-defined rate schedule to be used as the rollover rate schedule at the completion of the contract
brd_arrow.gif rollover_client_rate_sched_id string Client-defined id of the pre-defined rate schedule to be used as the rollover rate schedule at the completion of the contract
plan_nso_items hash Non-Subscription Offerings that are bundled with the plan.
brd_arrow.gif item_no int Inventory item number that is bundled with the plan.
brd_arrow.gif active_ind int Inventory item status.

Allowable values for active_ind:

brd_arrow.gif min_qty string Minimum NSO quantity needed during plan purchase.
brd_arrow.gif max_qty string Maximum NSO quantity needed during plan purchase.
brd_arrow.gif item_scope string Scope of bundled NSO during plan purchase.

Allowable values for item_scope:

brd_arrow.gif plan_nso_price_override hash Overridden prices for NSO items.
brd_arrow.gifbrd_arrow.gif rate_schedule_no long The internal Id of the rate schedule (DEPRECATED; use list_rate_schedule_no)
brd_arrow.gifbrd_arrow.gif client_rate_schedule_id string Client assigned unique rate schedule number (DEPRECATED; use client_list_rate_schedule_id)
brd_arrow.gifbrd_arrow.gif currency_cd string Currency code for Inventory item.
brd_arrow.gifbrd_arrow.gif override_price string Overridden price for Inventory item for currencies.
brd_arrow.gifbrd_arrow.gif bundle_nso_rate_schedule_no int Aria-assigned unique identifier for the rate schedule to be used as the bundle price for the NSO when purchased with this plan.
brd_arrow.gifbrd_arrow.gif bundle_client_nso_rate_schedule_id string Client-defined unique identifier for the rate schedule to be used as the bundle price for the NSO when purchased with this plan.
installment terms    
brd_arrow.gif installment_term_no long Aria-assigned unique identifier for client installment term.
brd_arrow.gif client_installment_term_id string Specifies client installment term id.
brd_arrow.gif installment_term_name string Specifies installment term name.
plan_nso_group hash Non-Subscription Offerings that are bundled with the plan as part of NSO group.
brd_arrow.gif item_no int Inventory item number that is bundled with the plan as part of NSO group.
brd_arrow.gif active_ind int Inventory item status.

Allowable values for active_ind:

brd_arrow.gif plan_nso_group_price_override hash Overridden prices for NSO items.
brd_arrow.gif rate_schedule_no int The internal Id of the rate schedule.
brd_arrow.gif client_rate_schedule_id string Client assigned unique rate schedule
brd_arrow.gif currency_cd string Currency code for Inventory item.
brd_arrow.gif override_price string Overridden price for Inventory item for currencies.
brd_arrow.gif bundle_nso_rate_schedule_no string Aria-assigned unique identifier for the rate schedule to be used as the bundle price for the NSO when purchased with this plan.
brd_arrow.gif bundle_client_nso_rate_schedule_id string Client-defined unique identifier for the rate schedule to be used as the bundle price for the NSO when purchased with this plan.
nso_group_min_qty string Minimum NSO quantity needed during plan purchase for the NSO group.
nso_group_max_qty string Maximum NSO quantity needed during plan purchase for the NSO group.
nso_group_item_scope string Scope of bundled NSO group during plan purchase.

Allowable values for nso_group_item_scope:

nso_incl_list_scope int Scope of additional NSO as part of inclusion list.

Allowable values for nso_incl_list_scope:

plan_nso_incl_list hash  
brd_arrow.gif item_no int Specifies the Inventory item number. Mandatory inside array for nso_incl_list_scope is 3 or 4.
brd_arrow.gif active_ind int Inventory item status.

Allowable values for active_ind:

plan_translation_info hash Array that contains all the translated values for a given locale.
brd_arrow.gif locale_name string Name of the locale
brd_arrow.gif locale_no int Aria-assigned unique identifier of the locale used for translations.
brd_arrow.gif plan_no string Plan Number
brd_arrow.gif plan_name string Plan Name
brd_arrow.gif description string Specifies plan description
brd_arrow.gif rate_sched_t hash  
brd_arrow.gifbrd_arrow.gif schedule_no int Schedule Number
brd_arrow.gifbrd_arrow.gif schedule_name string Schedule Name
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