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Aria Knowledge Central


List of payment terms defined for the client is returned.

Input Arguments

Req Field Name Field Type Max Length Description
required-icon.png client_no long 22 Aria-assigned unique identifier indicating the Aria client providing service to this account.
required-icon.png auth_key string 32 Aria-assigned unique key to be passed with each method call for authenticating the validity of the requestor.

Output Arguments

Field Name Field Type Description
error_code long Aria-assigned unique identifier indicating the Aria client providing service to this account. 0 means no error.
error_msg string Description of any error that occurred. “OK” if there was no error.
all_payment_terms hash  
brd_arrow.gif payment_terms_no string Aria generated id for the payment terms.
brd_arrow.gif terms_name_internal string Client defined payment terms name (internal).
brd_arrow.gif terms_name_external string Client defined payment terms description shown on external facing document.
brd_arrow.gif days_until_due long Number of days before invoice becomes past due.
brd_arrow.gif discount_percent long Percent discount for prompt payment.
brd_arrow.gif discount_period long Validity period of discount in days.
brd_arrow.gif functional_acct_group string Functional account group assigned to the payment terms.
brd_arrow.gif created_by string User that created record.
brd_arrow.gif created_date string Date and time the record was created.
brd_arrow.gif pmt_terms_type string Payment Terms Type from Payment Terms configuration.
brd_arrow.gif days_until_due_method string Days until due method from Payment Terms configuration.
brd_arrow.gif bill_lag_days int Bill Lag Days from Payment Terms configuration. This value can be overridden at Master Plan Instance level.
brd_arrow.gif surcharge_applicable boolean Surcharge applicable value from Payment Terms configuration.
brd_arrow.gif surcharge_no long Surcharge Number from Payment Terms configuration.
brd_arrow.gif auto_bill_orders boolean Auto Bill Orders value from Payment Terms configuration.
brd_arrow.gif pmt_reminder boolean Payment Reminder value from Payment Terms configuration.
brd_arrow.gif pmt_reminder_active_accts_only boolean Payment Reminder Active Accounts Only value from Payment Terms configuration.
brd_arrow.gif pmt_reminder_row hash Array(s) of Payment Reminders including templates from Payment Terms configuration.
brd_arrow.gif pmt_reminder_tmplt_class long Payment Reminder Template Class from Payment Terms configuration.
brd_arrow.gif pmt_reminder_days_until_notifcation long Payment Reminder Days Until Notification from Payment Terms configuration.
brd_arrow.gif default_pmt_reminder_template long Default Payment Reminder Template from Payment Terms configuration.
brd_arrow.gif pmt_reminder_notification_list long  
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