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Aria Knowledge Central


Use this API to retrieve a list of existing legal entities for a given client

Input Arguments

Req Field Name Field Type Max Length Description
required-icon.png client_no long 22 Aria-assigned unique identifier indicating the Aria client providing service to this account.
required-icon.png auth_key string 32 Aria-assigned unique key to be passed with each method call for authenticating the validity of the requestor.
  legal_entity_array array   Array to specify information pertaining to which legal entity / entities will be returned. REST input arrays should passed in the following format:legal_entity_array[0][legal_entity_no]=123&legal_entity_array[1][legal_entity_no]=234
  brd_arrow.giflegal_entity_no long 32 Aria-assigned legal entity identification number. This field dictates which legal entity data will be displayed below.
  brd_arrow.gifclient_legal_entity_id string 300 Client-assigned unique identifier for the legal entity.
  brd_arrow.giflegal_entity_name string 300 Client-assigned descriptor of the legal entity.

Output Arguments

Field Name Field Type Description
error_code long Aria-assigned unique identifier indicating the Aria client providing service to this account. 0 means no error.
error_msg string Aria-assigned unique key to be passed with each method call for authenticating the validity of the requestor.
legal_entity hash  
brd_arrow.gif legal_entity_no long Aria-assigned legal entity identification number.
brd_arrow.gif legal_entity_name string Client-assigned descriptor of the legal entity.
brd_arrow.gif client_legal_entity_id string Client-assigned unique identifier for the legal entity.
brd_arrow.gif legal_entity_registration_no string Client-defined legal entity registration number.
brd_arrow.gif legal_entity_vat_registration_no string Client-defined value-added tax registration number.
brd_arrow.gif legal_entity_address1 string Address line one for the legal entity contact.
brd_arrow.gif legal_entity_address2 string Address line two for the legal entity contact.
brd_arrow.gif legal_entity_address3 string Address line three for the legal entity contact.
brd_arrow.gif legal_entity_city string City for the legal entity contact.
brd_arrow.gif legal_entity_state_prov string State or Province code for the legal entity contact.
brd_arrow.gif legal_entity_locality string Locality for the legal entity contact address.
brd_arrow.gif legal_entity_postal_code string Postal code for the legal entity contact.
brd_arrow.gif legal_entity_country string Country code for the legal entity contact.
brd_arrow.gif legal_entity_currency string The currency for the legal entity. This value impacts reporting at the legal entity level as all account currencies are converted into this functional currency for Legal Entity reporting purposes.
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