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Returns details of specified inventory item

Note: The previously existing input and/or output fields <client_item_id>, <client_item_id_out> and/or <filter_client_item_id> were removed from this API call in Release 47.

Input Arguments

Req Field Name Field Type Max Length Description
required-icon.png client_no long 22 Aria-assigned unique identifier indicating the Aria client providing service to this account.
required-icon.png auth_key string 32 Aria-assigned unique key to be passed with each method call for authenticating the validity of the requestor.
required-icon.png item_no int   Specifies the Inventory item number
  client_sku string 100 Client SKU of the NSO/Inventory item
  currency_cd string    
  locale_no int 38 Aria-assigned unique identifier of the locale used for translations.
  locale_name string 32 Name of the locale to which the translations belong.
  include_translations string 1 Setting this flag as True will fetch the translated fields in all the locales defined. If not passed it defaults to False.

Allowable values for include_translations:

Output Arguments

Field Name Field Type Description
error_code long Aria-assigned error identifier. 0 indicates no error
error_msg string Textual description of any error that occurred. "OK" if there was no error.
item_no int Specifies the Inventory item number
item_type int Item Type for the inventory item. Valid values are: 0 - Inventory Item, 1 - Months To Stack(deprecated), 2 - Resource Item
item_name string Specifies the inventory item name
item_desc string Specifies description of Inventory item
active_ind int Specifies if inventory item is active or inactive. Valid values are: 0 - Inactive and 1 - Active
purchase_scope int Specifies purchase scope for inventory item. Valid values are: 0 - No purchase restrictions and 1 - Can be purchased with qualifying plans only
service_no int Specifies Service number for the Inventory item
client_service_id string Client defined unique identifier
invoice_advancement_months int Specifies months of invoice advancement for the Inventory item
plan_no int Specifies Master Plan number for the Inventory item
client_plan_id string Client defined unique identifier
client_sku string SKU specified by client for the inventory item
modify_price_ind string Specifies if CSR's may modify Inventory item price. Valid values are: Y - Yes and N - No
subunit_qty float Subunit Quantity
subunit_label string Subunit Label
days_to_expiry int Specifies the number of days to expiration for resources on this SKU
resources hash  
brd_arrow.gif resource_type_no int The assigned identifier for a resource
brd_arrow.gif resource_units int Number of units of resource
brd_arrow.gif days_to_expiry int Specifies the number of days to expiration for resources on this SKU. If item_type=2 then this field is required
brd_arrow.gif resource_name string The name of the resource referenced in resource_type_no
pricing hash  
brd_arrow.gif currency_cd string Specifies the currency code of Inventory item
brd_arrow.gif price float Specifies the price of Inventory item
brd_arrow.gif price_per_unit float Specifies sub unit price. This will be null if item type is not 0 or if item type is 0 but subunit_qty is not specified
stock_level float  
image hash  
brd_arrow.gif thumbnail_image_url string Specifies the url for the thumbnail version of the image.
brd_arrow.gif image_text string Specifies text about the image.
brd_arrow.gif default_ind int Specifies whether the image is default or not. Allowed values are 1 - default and 0- non default.
brd_arrow.gif image_class_seq_no int Specifies Aria generated sequence number for the image.
brd_arrow.gif active int Specifies whether the image is active or not.
brd_arrow.gif main_image_url string Specifies the url for the main image.
item_class int Specifies which class the inventory item belongs to.
supplemental_obj_fields hash  
brd_arrow.gif field_no int the field no
brd_arrow.gif field_value string the field value
brd_arrow.gif field_name string the field name
item_translations hash Array that contains all the translated values for a given locale.
brd_arrow.gif locale_name string Name of the locale.
brd_arrow.gif locale_no int Aria-assigned unique identifier of the locale used for translations.
brd_arrow.gif item_no long Specifies the Inventory item number
brd_arrow.gif item_name string Specifies the inventory item name
brd_arrow.gif item_desc string Specifies description of Inventory item
schedule array This array contains the rate schedule information
brd_arrow.gifschedule_name string Name for the rate schedule to be created. Translatable.
brd_arrow.gifclient_rate_schedule_id string Client-defined unique identifier.
brd_arrow.gifcurrency_cd string Currency for the schedules to be created.
brd_arrow.gifis_default boolean This flag denotes if this rate schedule is the default one for this plan. One and only one rate schedule can be marked as default. The value of 1 is defaulted for the first rate schedule for a given currency denoting it is the default. For subsequent rate schedules, the default is set to 0.
tax_inclusive_rate string This flag denotes if this rate is inclusive of the taxes.

Allowable values for tax_inclusive_rate:

tier array This array contains tiered pricing information for the given rate schedule.
brd_arrow.gifrate_schedule_name string Name of rate schedule this tier belongs to.
brd_arrow.gifclient_rate_schedule_id string Client-defined unique identifier for the rate schedule.
brd_arrow.gifamount float Tiered pricing rule that specifies rate per unit.
brd_arrow.giffrom int Tiered pricing rule that specifies "from" units.
brd_arrow.gifto int Tiered pricing rule that specifies to units.
brd_arrow.gifdescription string This field is used to display custom rate tier description. This will override the rate tier's description at service level.
installment_term_info array Installment term information assigned to an account


string Specifies client installment term id


string Specifies installment term name


string Aria-assigned installment terms no


string The default installment term


string Installment term description


string Aligned installment schedule with existing master plan instance. If aligned, installment amount will be charged along with master plan instance anniversary invoice/statement.

Allowable values:



Allowable values:


int Installment term length. For example, if interval type is M (Monthly), if users enter 36, then installment period if 36 months.


int Installment interval, works jointly with terms type. For example: 2 on interval and months in terms type mean installment is due every 2 months. If defined, must be less than terms length.


int Applicable only when aligned_installment is No (N) - Its own installment schedule and due dates. Determines how many days after a purchase or subscription date that the first installment will start. For example: if 5 is passed, then 5 days after a purchase date 1st installment will start. If 0 is passed, then 1st installment will start on purchase date.


int Applicable only when aligned_installment is No (N) - Its own installment schedule and due dates. Determines how many days after customer is notified on the installment that it's due. If 5 is passed, then 5 days after customers are notified, the installment will be due.



Lump sum type determines type of charges to be considered as a lump sum. 2 types of lump sum are: proportionately split (tax/charge) or tax only.

Allowable values:


string Applicable only when lump sump type is proportionately split (lump_sum_type = P). A one-time amount that will reduce the total installment to be spread over the course of installment term. For example: a $1200 phone purchase with  $200 lump sump will reduce the total installment amount to $1000, which will be spread monthly over 10 months installment term ($100 per month). Lump sum amount is mandatory when only when lump_sum_type is P (proportionately split charge/tax).



Applicable only for aligned installment (aligned installment - Y). Determines when to notify customers of the lump sum.

Allowable values:


int Applicable only for independent installment (aligned_installment = N). Determines how many days after a purchase or invoice date that a lump sum is charged and be notified to customers. For example: if 3 is passed, then 3 days after an invoice date, a lump sum will be charged. If 0 is passed, then 1st installment will start (and be notified to customers) on purchase date (invoice date).


int Applicable for both types of installment. Determines how many days after customers are notified that a lump sum is due. For example: if 5 is passed, then 5 days after customers are notified, the lump sum will be due.  For independent installment, if it's NULL, it will be treated as 0, and lump sum is due when it's notified to customers. If it's NULL for aligned installment, it will follow the statement due date that lump sum is on.
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