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Aria Knowledge Central


Returns the three payment reminder days settings for all the payment methods configured for a given client.

Input Arguments

Req Field Name Field Type Max Length Description
required-icon.png client_no long 22 Aria-assigned unique identifier indicating the Aria client providing service to this account.
required-icon.png auth_key string 32 Aria-assigned unique key to be passed with each method call for authenticating the validity of the requestor.

Output Arguments

Field Name Field Type Description
error_code long Aria-assigned error identifier. 0 indicates no error
error_msg string Textual description of any error that occurred. "OK" if there was no error.
all_pay_methods hash  
brd_arrow.gif pay_method_type int Integer values for the Aria supported payment method types. Allowable values are: -1, 0, 1-19 and 26.
brd_arrow.gif pay_method_name string Human readable names for the Aria supported payment method types. Allowable values are: i. External Payment, ii. Other, iii. Credit card, iv. Electronic Check (ACH), v. Pre-paid4Net terms 30, vi. Net terms 10, vii. Net terms 15, viii. Net terms 60, ix. Click&Buy, x. Net Terms 0, xi. PayByCash, xii. PayPal Express Checkout, xiii. Net Terms 45, xiv. Tokenized Credit Card, xv. Purchase Power, xvi. Net Terms 35, xvii. Net Terms 75, xviii. Net Terms 90, xix. Net Terms 120, xx. Net Terms 25, xxi. Direct Debit.
brd_arrow.gif days_until_payment_reminder_01 int The number of days the systems will wait after the account’s bill date before sending the first payment reminder email to the account holder. If days_until_payment_reminder_01 is not set for a payment method then the output will be null.
brd_arrow.gif days_until_payment_reminder_02 int The number of days the systems will wait after the account’s bill date before sending the second payment reminder email to the account holder. If days_until_payment_reminder_02 is not set for a payment method then the output will be null.
brd_arrow.gif days_until_payment_reminder_03 int The number of days the systems will wait after the account’s bill date before sending the third payment reminder email to the account holder. If days_until_payment_reminder_03 is not set for a payment method then the output will be null.
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