Deletes a coupon group
Input Arguments
Req | Field Name | Field Type | Max Length | Description |
client_no | long | 22 | Aria-assigned unique identifier indicating the Aria client providing service to this account. | |
auth_key | string | 32 | Aria-assigned unique key to be passed with each method call for authenticating the validity of the requestor. | |
group_no | int array | 12 | Specifies the group numbers to be deleted, for example, group_no[0]=652, group_no[1]=5653 etc. User can either pass an array of group_no or an array of client_defined_id. | |
OR | ||||
client_defined_id | string array | 100 | Client defined unique identifier for coupon group, for example, client_defined_id[0]=abc&client_defined_id[1]=acb. |
Output Arguments
Field Name | Field Type | Description |
error_code | long | Aria-assigned error identifier. 0 indicates no error. |
error_msg | string | Textual description of any error that occurred. "OK" if there was no error. |