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Use this API to create a new rate schedule, and add it to an existing plan.

Input Arguments

Req Field Name Field Type Max Length Description
required-icon.png client_no long 22 Aria-assigned unique identifier indicating the Aria client providing service to the account.
required-icon.png auth_key string 32 Aria-assigned unique key to be passed with each method call for authenticating the validity of the requestor.
required-icon.png plan_no long   Plan number that rate schedule will be added to.
required-icon.png client_plan_id string 100 Client-defined unique identifier.
required-icon.png schedule array    
required-icon.png ►schedule_name string 100

Name for the schedule to be created.

required-icon.png ►currency_cd string 3 Currency for the schedule to be created.
  ►client_rate_schedule_id string 100 Client-defined unique ID.
required-icon.png ►is_default boolean 1 This flag denotes if this rate schedule is the default one for this plan. One and only one rate schedule can be marked as default. The value of 1 is defaulted for the first rate schedule denoting it is the default. For subsequent rate schedules, the default is set to 0.
  ►recurring_billing_interval int 100 If a null/no value is provided then recurring_billing_interval should default to 1, i.e., monthly interval.Recurring Billing Interval [ can be either of 1, 3, 6 or 12, <custom months="months" no.="no." of="of"> ) 1 – Monthly, 3 – Quarterly, 6 - Semi-Annually, 12 – Annually, Custom - <No. of months>
  ►recurring_billing_period_type int 100 If a null/no value is provided then recurring_billing_period_type should default to 3, i.e., monthly period type. Recurring Billing Period Type [ can be either of 1, 2, 3 ] 1 – Daily, 2 – Weekly, 3 - Monthly
  ►usage_billing_interval int 100 If null/no value is provided then usage_billing_interval should default to 1, i.e., monthly interval.Usage Billing Interval [ can be either of 1, 3, 6 or 12, <custom months="months" no.="no." of="of"> ) 1 – Monthly, 3 – Quarterly, 6 - Semi-Annually, 12 – Annually, Custom - <No. of months>
  ►usage_billing_period_type int 100 If a null/no value is provided then usage_billing_period_type should default to 3, i.e., monthly period type. Usage Billing Period Type [ can be either of 1, 2, 3 ] 1 – Daily, 2 – Weekly, 3 - Monthly
  ►available_from_dt string 10 Date from which the rate schedule will be available for the assignment. The date format must be yyyy-mm-dd
  ►available_to_dt string 10 Date after which the rate schedule will not be available for the assignment. The date format must be yyyy-mm-dd
  ►future_rate boolean 1 Indicator whether future rates should be supported or not.
  ►future_change_dt string 10 Date after which the future rates should be assigned. The date format must be yyyy-mm-dd
  ►follow_rs_no long 100 Aria internal id of follow-up default rate schedule.
  ►client_followup_rs_id string 100 Client defined id of followup rate schedule. One of the values, i.e., either followup_rs_no or client_followup_rs_id should be provided if a followup rate schedule information should be provided.
  service array    
required-icon.png ►service_no long 100 Service number.
required-icon.png ►client_service_id string 100 Client-defined unique identifier.
  ►tier array    
    ►from int 10 Tiered Pricing Rule that specifies from units at schedule level. This will override the rate tier's from units at service level. 

REST input arrays should be passed in the following format: service[0][tier][0][from]=1&service[0][tier][1][from]=1 etc. Index [tier][0] specifies the first tier of the schedule and [tier][1] specifies the second tier of the schedule and so on.

    ►to int 10

Tiered Pricing Rule that specifies to units at schedule level. This will override the rate tier's to units at service level. To indicate no upper limit, value should be left blank.

REST input arrays should be passed in the following format:

service[0][tier][0][to]=3&service[0][tier][1][to]=7 etc. Index [tier][0] specifies the first tier of the schedule and [tier][1]specifies the second tier of the schedule and so on.

   ►description string 50

This field is used to display custom rate tier description. This will override the rate tier's description at service level.

REST input arrays should be passed in the following format:

service[0][tier][0][description]=Custom description&service[0][tier][0][description]=custom description etc. Index[tier][0] specifies the first tier of the rate schedule and [tier][1] specifies the second tier of the schedule and so on.

required-icon.png  ►amount float 11

Tiered Pricing Rule that specifies rate per unit.

REST input arrays should be passed in the following format:

service[0][tier][0][amount]=3&service[0][tier][1][amount]=4 etc where [tier][0][amount]specifies price from first tier and [tier][1][amount] specifies price for second tier and so on.

   ►future_amount float 11

Future Rate Per Unit for the tier. future_amount should be specified only if future_rate=1 and future_change_dt is specified.

REST input arrays should be passed in the following format:

service[0][tier][0][future_amount]=3&service[0][tier][1][future_amount]=4 etc.

Output Arguments

Field Name Field Type Description
error_code long Aria-assigned error identifier. 0 indicates no error
error_msg string Textual description of any error that occurred. "OK" if there was no error.
rate_schedule hash  
brd_arrow.gif schedule_no int

Schedule number of the rate schedule added.

brd_arrow.gif client_rate_schedule_id string Client defined unique id.
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